Horſe, the Sheep, and the Gooſe. (See Lydgate.)
Indulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for aſſiſtance againſt the Turks at the Siege of Rhodes. Firſt Verſion. Printed on a ſlip of parchment. 1480.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 18. e. 2.
Inulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus for aſſiſtance againſt the Turks. Second Verſion. Printed on a ſlip of parchment. 1481.
(St. Albans, Edward VI. Grammar School.)
Indulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for aſſiſtance againſt the Turks. Third Verſion. Printed on a ſlip of parchment. [1481?]
(The Bedfordſhire General Library, Bedford).
Infancia Salvatoris. Hic incipit Tractatus qui intitulatur Infancia Salvatoris. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1478?]
(Göttingen Univerſity.)