Page:A catalogue of books printed by William Caxton.pdf/26

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Books printed

Jaſon, The Life of, and Les fais du. (See Lefevre.)

Jeruſalem, the Conqueſt of. (See Godfrey of Boloyne.)

Knight of the Tower. (See Latour Landry.)

Latour Landry, Geoffery de. The Book which the Knight of the Tower made to the Enſeygnement and Teaching of his Daughters. "Emprynted at Weſtmynſtre the fyrſt yere of the regne of Kynge Rychard the thyrd." Folio. 1484.

Britiſh Muſeum C. 11. c. 6. Another copy C. 21. d.

Lefevre, Raoul. Les Fais et Proueſſes du noble et vaillant Chevallier Jaſon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1477?]

(Eton College.)