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by Caxton.
Lydgate, John. The Book of Courteſy, or Little John. Firſt Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]
(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 7.)
Lydgate, John. The Book of Courteſy, or Little John. Second Edition. "Enprynted atte Weſtmoſter." Without Printer's Name or Date. Quarto. [1491?]
(Oxford, The Bodleian. A fragment.)
Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. Firſt Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]
(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 3.)
Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]
(York, Cathedral Library.)