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by Caxton.
Mirrour of the World. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. Tranſlated by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1490?]
(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 53.)
Morte d'Arthur, Le. (See Arthur.)
Order of Chivalry. (See Chivalry.)
Orologium Sapientiæ. (See Ghostly Matters.)
Ovid. The Metamorphoſes, Tranſlated by Caxton in 1480, but only a manuſcript copy is known.
Paris. The Hiſtory of the noble right valliant and worthy knight Paris, and of the fair Vienne. "Explicit per Caxton." Weſtminſter. Folio. 1485.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. b. 10.
Pilgrimage of the Soul. (See Deguilleville.)