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Books printed
Statutes of Henry VII. (See England.)
Suſo or Souabe, Orologium Sapientiæ (See Ghostly Matters.)
Temple of Braſs. (See Chaucer.)
Temple of Glaſs. (See Lydgate.)
Travellers, Book for. (See Vocabulary.)
Troylus and Creſide. (See Chaucer.)
Tully of Old Age, Friendſhip, &c. (See Cicero.)
Virgil. Eneydos. Tranſlated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1490?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 12. Another copy Gr. 9723.
Vocabulary. A Vocabulary in French and Engliſh, (entitled by Dibdin A Book for Travellers.) Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1483?]
(Ripon, Cathedral Library.)