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by Caxton.
Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Firſt Edition. "Fynyſhed at Weſtmeſtre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Large type for the head lines of the pages.) Large Folio. [1484?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 11. d. 8. (A portion of this copy is from the Second Edition.)
Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Fynyſhed at Weſtmeſtre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Smaller type for the head lines of the pages.) Large Folio. [1487?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. II. d. 8. (A portion of this copy is from the Firſt Edition.)
Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. "Fynyſhed at Weſtmeſtre," in 1493, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." Folio. 1493.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d.