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Books printed

Æsop. The Fables of Æſop; of Avian; of Alfonſe; and of Poge the Florentine. With Woodcuts. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Weſtmynſtre." Folio. 1484

Britiſh Muſeum C. 11. c. 17. (Show Caſe viii.)

Anelida and Arcyte. (See Chaucer.)

Art and Craft to know well to die. (See Gerson.)

Arthur, King of Great Britain. A Book of the noble Hiſtories of King Arthur, and of certain of his Knights. "Enprynted in thabbey, weſtmeſtre." "Caxton me fieri fecit." Folio. 1485.

(Earl of Jerſey, Oſterley.)

Aymon. The Four Sons of Aymon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?]

(Earl Spencer, Althorp.)