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fonnance of Mysteries and Miracles became again the mediam of instruction. In the year 1666, a goodly stage play of the Pattion of Christ, was presented at the Grey Friars, in London, on Corpus Christi day, before the lord mayor, the privy council, and many great estates of the realm. Strype also mentions, under the year 1557, a stage play at the Grey Friars, of the Pattion of Chritt, on the day that war was pro- cledmed in London against France, ana in honour of that occasion. On Saint Glare's da^, in the same year, the holiday of the church, in Silver-street, which is dedicated to that saint, was kept with much solemnity. At eight of ibe clocK at night, began a sta^e-play of goodly matter, being the miraculous history of the lile of that saint, which continued four hours, and was concluded with many religious songs. —

Again the boy bishop* went abroad singing in the old fashion ; and once more his estimation seems to have been undiminished, for on Nov. 13, 1564, the bishop of London issued an order to all the clei^ of his diocese to have a boy bishop in procession ; and in the same year he went about St. Andrew's, Holbom, and St. Ni- cholas Olave's, when he was received into the houses of many of the inhabitants, and treated with good cheer. One of the flattering songs which the boy bishop sung before the queen, and which was printed, was a panegyric on her devotion, it compared her to Judith, Esther, the queen of Sheba, and the Virgin Mary.

1668. RooER Madeley lived at the Star, in St. Paul's church yard. Herbert states, that he had only seen a copy of verses of his, intitled. An invective againit treaton ! in two columns, on a half sheet, in 1553.

1658. Robert Caly, or Caley, is supposed to have succeeded Richard Grafton, in his house (though his office of king's printer was given to Cawcrad) in the Grey Friars, now Christ's hos- pital. He was free of the stationers' company. He and Henry Caley had a license, or patent, for printing for seven years. Twenty-one books bear the imprint of Ilobert Caley, from 1663 to 1658, mostly of a religious nature.

1668. Character and Arte of thort, swift, and secrete Writing by Character, invented by Ti- mothe Bright, Doctor of Phistke. Imprinted at London by J. Windet, the atsigne of Tim. Bright, 1668. Cwn priviUgis Regiee Majestatit. For- bidding all others to print the same. Mr. Douce, who possessed a copy of this curious and scarce little book, has observed that it is the first treatise in OUT own, or perhaps any other language, on the subject of short-hand writing. The author certainly claims the honour of the invention in his dedication, which is to queen Elizabeth. — See Belo't Anecdotes. This Timothe Bright was also the author of various other works.

1658. The first copy entered on the books of the stationers' company is " to William Peke- rynge, aballett, caXXea. a Ryse and Wake, id." Ricnard Waye was then master.

  • For the lostitatlOD of the bor bishop, see ptge 6o,a«ie.

1668. In the records of the stationers' com- pany is preserved " The chargis of settynge fourthe oi men to serve the queen according to our commyssion."*

£ : d.

Item, for prest monye for 8 men 8

Item, for preste monyelor 8 men more, at M.

lepece 4

Item, payd f or 4 cappes 3

Item, payd for thayre meate that daye «han

thay went foarttae 4 4

Item, monye delyvered to them for thayre ne-

cessaryes 13 4

Item, payd for gonnepovther and matche .... 7 Item, payd for thayre eondett monye at ISA

lepeee 6

Item, (br settynge of S bowes 8

Item, payd for 3 dozyn of poynti 4

Item, payd to the taylor for makyng of yoelet

hoolea in the Jackes 4

Item, payd for bowe stryngea S

Item, payd for 3 Jeclces 18

Item, payd fox 4 swords 11

Item, payd for 4 dagors 8

Item, paydforalxnreandashailleofBnowes 4 8

Item, payd fori jackes ...V I I 4

Item, payd for 6 gyrdelle* 6

Item, payd for 3 homes for gonnepowther with

chaigls 3

Item, payd for 6 gorgetta 8 •

Item, payd for a poonde of gonnepowther .... S

Item, payd for 3 rolles of matcbe 3

Item, payd for a hande gonne

Item, payd for 4 cappcB 3

Item, payd for s payie of apynts IS 8

Item, payd to the armerer for mendynge of

tianiesandahed pece 18

Item, payd for 6 dozen of poynts 1

Item, payd for 34 yards of whyte cotton for

Bonldioors cotts, at 7d. le yarde 14

Item, payd for 3 yardes of grenecaisayefbrto

garde the saydecotts at 31(<.leyaide 3 8

Item, payd for makyng of the same cotts, and

red clothe for the crosses 6 4

Item, payd for mendyng of a gonne

Item, payd for mendynge of a dagois I ft

Item, payd for a bracer and a showtynge glove 18

Item, payd for 3 freyse Jerkyns for the gonners 13

Item, payd for a payre of hose a

Item, payd for 4 payre of shoyea 8

Item, payd money to them bycommandemente 13 4 Item, payd fbr meate and drynke for them that

daye 3 8

Item, payd for lede to make pellets s

Item, payd for bowe strynges 3

Item, payd to them 'for cnndett moneye, ac-

cordynge to commanderoente 14

Item, payd for a pnrals for thayre peUetts. 8

Item, payd for a lynke to lead them from Leaden- ball to the Tovrre 8

Item, payd for 3 backe byllea 3 4

Item, pay for a newe keyes with one new locke,

and mendynge of the old lockes 4

1569. A collection was gathered of the com- pany of stationers', by the commandment of the lorde maior and aldermen, for the house of Brydewell.

1669. Sunday, Jan. 16. At the coronation of queen Elizabeth, which took place on this day ; her progress was marked by superb pageants. On her arrival at Temple-bar, Gogmagog and Corina;us,t two giants, were seen over the gate, a lable, whereon was written, ' in Latin verse, " the effect of all the pageants which the city

  • These entries, extracted by the late George Steevens,

Esq., were printed in the lUustraiUmM of the ManneTMond Expenses of Antient Times in England, in the 15M, 16M, ana nth Centuries, 1797; a work now become exceed- ingly rare. — Nichols.

t For anacconntofthesevwrfAjetof thedtyofLondon see Hone*8 Mysteries, p. a63.