Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/125

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among mankind.

Notice to his Palate of the Modification it is in its turn going to receive. Every general Idea is purely intellectual; let the Imagination tamper ever ſo little with it, it immediately becomes a particular Idea. Endeavour to repreſent to yourſelf the Image of a Tree in general, you never will be able to do it; in ſpite of all your Efforts it will appear big or little, thin or tufted, of a bright or a deep Colour; and were you Maſter to ſee nothing in it, but what can be ſeen in every Tree, ſuch a Picture would no longer reſemble any Tree. Beings perfectly abſtract are perceiveable in the ſame manner, or are only conceivable by the Aſſiſtance of Speech. The Definition of a Triangle can alone give you a juſt Idea of that Figure: the Moment you form a Triangle in your Mind, it is this or that particular Triangle and no other, and you cannot avoid giving Breadth to its Lines and Colour to its Area. We
