Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/164

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Of Capt. John Rackam.

vantage of little Breezes of Wind, which blew off the Land, came up with her, and, after a very ſmall Diſpute, took her, and brought her into Port Royal, in Jamaica.

In about a Fortnight after the Priſoners were brought aſhore, viz. November 16, 1720, a Court of Admiralty was held at St. Jago de la Vega, before which the following Perſons were convicted, and Sentence of Death paſſed upon them, by the Preſident, Sir Nicholas Laws, viz. John Rackam Captain, George Fetherſton Maſter, Richard Corner Quarter-Maſter, John Davis, John Howell, Patrick Carty, Thomas Earl, James Dobbin and Noah Harwood. The five firſt were executed the next Day at Gallows Point, at the Town of Port Royal, and the reſt, the Day after, at Kingſton; Rackam, Feverſton and Corner, were afterwards taken down and hang’d up in Chains, one at Plumb Point, one at Buſh Key, and the other at Gun Key.

But what was very ſurprizing, was, the Conviction of the nine Men that came aboard the Sloop the ſame Day ſhe was taken. They were try’d at an Adjournment of the Court, on the 24th of January, waiting all that Time, it is ſuppoſed, for Evidence, to prove the pyratical Intention of going aboard the ſaid Sloop; for it ſeems there was no Act of Pyracy committed by them, after their coming on Board, as appeared by the Witneſſes againſt them, who were two French Men taken by Rackam, off from the Iſland of Hiſpaniola, and depoſed in the following Manner.

‘That the Priſoners at the Bar, viz. John Eaton, Edward Warner, Thomas Baker, Thomas Quick, John Cole, Benjamin Palmer, Walter Rouſe, John Hanſon, and John Howard, came aboard the Pyrate’s Sloop at Negril Point, Rackam ſending his Canoe aſhore for that Purpoſe: That they brought Guns and Cutlaſhes on Board with them: That when Cap-
