Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/22

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Bravery of Skyrme, a Welch Pyrate, 268. The ſurly Humour of ſome of the Priſoners, 268, 269. The Swallow comes up with Roberts, 270. Roberts his Dreſs deſcribed, 271. Is kill’d, 272. His Character, ib. His Ship taken, 273. The Behaviour of the Pyrates, when Priſoners, 275. A Conſpiracy of theirs diſcovered, 276, 277. Reflections on the Manner of trying them, 278, 279, 280. The Form of the Commiſſion for trying the Pyrates, 281. The Oath taken by the Commiſſioners, 282. The Names of thoſe arraign’d taken in the Ship Ranger, 282, 283, 284. The Form of the Indictment, 284, 285. The Sum of the Evidence againſt them, 285, 286. Their Defence, 287, 288. The Names of the Priſoners of the Royal Fortune, 288, 289, 290. Proceedings againſt them, 291 to 304. Harry Glaſby acquitted, 304. The particular Tryal of Captain James Skyrme, 304, 305. Of John Walden, 305 to 308. Of Peter Scudamore, 308 to 311. Of Robert Johnſon, 311, 312. Of George Wilſon, 312 to 317. Of Benjamin Jeffries, 317, 318. Of John Manſfield, 318, 319. Of William Davis, 319 to 321. The Names of thoſe executed at Cape Corſo, 321, 322. The Petition of ſome condemn’d, 323. The Courts Reſolution, ibid. The Form of an Indenture of a pardon’d Pyrate, 324. The Names of thoſe pardon’d upon Indenture to ſerve ſeven Years, 325. The Pyrates how diſpoſed of, 326. The dying Behaviour of thoſe executed, 326 to 329.

His Beginning as a Pyrate, 330. A moſt brutiſh Action ſuppoſed to be committed by his Crew, 331. Civil Diſcords amongſt them, 332. The Pyrates Term of Round Robin explain’d, ib. They land on an uninhabited Iſland, ib. A Petition for Pardon agreed on, ib. The Form of that Petition, 333. Their Diverſions, and Manner of living on the Iſland, 334, 335. Their mock Tryal of one another, 336 to 338. They put to Sea again, 338. Their Petition not anſwer’d, ib. The Morning Star Wreck’d, ib. Anſtis narrowly eſcapes being taken, 339. A Plot diſcover’d, ib. The Crew gathers Strength again, 340. Surpriſed by the Winchelſea Man of War at Tobago, ib. Fire one of their Ships, ib. Anſtis eſcapes, ib. Is killed by a Conſpiracy of his own Men, 341. The Ship ſurrender’d at Curaco, ib. Several hang’d there, ib. Fen hanged at Antegoa, ib. The good Luck of thoſe who fled to the Woods, ib.