Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/249

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

of the Inhabitants, to whom he gave Goods in Exchange. At this Place he met with 13 Engliſhmen, who had been ſet aſhore by a French Guard de la Coſte, belonging to Martinico, taken out of two New-England Ships, that had been ſeiz’d, as Prize, by the ſaid French Sloop: The Men willingly entered with the Pyrates, and it proved a ſeaſonable Recruit.

They ſtaid not long here, tho’ they had immediate Occaſion for cleaning their Sloop, but did not think this a proper Place, and herein they judg’d right; for the touching at this Iſland, had like to have been their Deſtruction, becauſe they having reſolved to go away to the Granada Iſlands, for the aforeſaid Purpoſe, by ſome Accident it came to be known to the French Colony, who ſending Word to the Governor of Martinico, he equipped and manned two Sloops to go in Queſt of them. The Pyrates ſailed directly for the Granadilloes, and hall’d into a Lagoon, at Corvocoo, where they cleaned with unuſual Diſpatch, ſtaying but a little above a Week, by which Expedition they miſſed of the Martinico Sloops, only a few Hours; Roberts ſailing over Night, that the French arrived the next Morning. This was a fortunate Eſcape, eſpecially conſidering, that it was not from any Fears of their being diſcovered, that they made ſo much haſt from the Iſland; but, as they had the Impudence themſelves to own, for the want of Wine and Women.

Thus narrowly eſcaped, they ſailed for Newfoundland, and arrived upon the Banks the latter end of June, 1720. They entered the Harbour of Trepaſſi, with their black Colours flying, Drums beating, and Trumpets ſounding. There were two and twenty Veſſels in the Harbour, which the Men all quitted upon the Sight of the Pyrate, and fled aſhore. It is impoſſible particularly to recount
