Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/112

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the year 1784 gave to the studies a retrogressive tendency rather for the necessities of the state-service, which they pre- served till lately, by the arrangement of examinations with a view to fitness with regard to public offices. Learned literature, however, none the less developed itself through the general awakening of (men's) efforts towards mental progress already from the time of Maria Theresa. Bohemia had from the year 1769 a private club of learned men, which was made a public institution by the Emperor Joseph in 1784, under the name of the Royal Bohemian Society of Arts. Mathematical and physical sciences, and history, especially Bohemian, were pursued by their members and also other scholars with equal enthusiasm and success. From the circle of these men issued then the critical investigator of the Slavonic languages and scholar of European celebrity, Joseph Dobrowsky.

after, vedle.

change,proměna, s.f.

was occupied (or seized): turn this round so as to avoid a passive form (according to the genius of the Slavonic languages), and translate, ' his favourite idea seized the Emperor,' &c.

to seize (or occupy), zabavovati.

also, rovnei.

beginning, počátek, s.m.

favourite, zalíbená; really past part. pass, of zalíbili, now used as an adjective.

idea, myšlenka; a diminutive form.

that the German language

should be, aby se jazyk ně- mecky, &c. Observe the position of the reflexive pro- noun in the sentence.

to establish, to plant in, vštípili.

Austrian, rakouský. For the explanation of this name vide supra.

a means, prodstfed. Here use the pred. instr.

belonging to a school, školní.

organization, zřízení, n., verbal noun.

already, jii.

to go forth, vyjití. See the

irregular verbs, the order, nařízení, s.n. that no one; use two negatives