Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/128

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The Emperor Rudolf ii was not equal in mental gifts either to his father or his grandfather. Although on his coming to the throne he was barely twenty-four years of age, he was already dilatory and melancholy. Unwillingly he occupied himself with the affairs of State-government, but his predeces- sors had unwillingly abandoned them to others. His recreation consisted in scientific and artistic labours. He amused himself with chemistry and astronomy, painting and sculpture. He made great collections of antiquities; he kept at his palace many scholars and artists, especially the two most celebrated astronomers of that century, Tycho Brahe and afterwards Kepler. But science and art were to him nothing but a private recreation, which resulted in astrological superstitions and delusions about making gold. For the real promotion and development of science and art he took no care at all. In his youth he had been for a long time brought up in Spain at the court of his uncle Philip, and was entirely devoted to the

father, otec (root ot. Cf. Gothic at/a).

to govern, direct, spravovali. the estate, jmlni. to give orders, regulate, nafi- zovati.

which were necessary, of which there was need, čeho bylo potřeba ; although potřeba is a feminine noun, yet bylo coming before is used in the neuter by a common Sla- vonic idiom.

to cultivate, vzdělávali.

to choose, volili (volba, choice, from the same root, with the feminine termination -ba added).

an elder, starosta.

ruler, vladyka (root, vlad; by some of the Eastern Slavonic peoples used to signify a bishop).

general, common, společný; root pol. See previous re- marks.