Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/150

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Jedním pramenem ku poznáni ioho budou nam Dějiny národu českého a jiné spisy historické, v nichž Palacký na rozličných místech úsudky své pronáší a názorů svých se dovolává.

One source for the knowledge of this will be to us the History of the Bohemian People and other historical writings, in which Palacký in various places produces his opinions and gives scope to his views.

jedním pramenem, pred. instr., as one source.

budou, the third person plural of býlí, to be, originally a present with a future signi- fication, because býlí is a perfective verb; the present is now jsem, borrowed from another root.

Dějiny, f, only used in the plural, history. For explanation of nichž see p. 25 : the νυ ἐφελκυστικόν, to borrow a term of Greek grammar, is put with the noun after pre-

positions with the various cases; the ž is an enclitic, which intensifies the meaning. Cf. Russ. же, and Gr. γε.

na rozličných, in various. Ob- serve use of na, one of the most delicate of the Slavonic prepositions.

pronáší, 3rd sing, pr., from pronášeli, to bring forward.

dovolávali, to permit, give scope to ; verbs compounded with do frequently take a genitive (see list of prepositions used

in composition).

Od času Boleslava II nepanoval také žádný panovník český tak rozsáhlé říši jako Přemysl Otakar II, hned po smrti otce svého Václava.

From the time of Boleslav II there did not also rule any Bohemian prince such an extensive kingdom as Přemysl Otakar II, immediately after the death of his father Wenceslaus.

nepanoval. Observe the ten- dency of Bohemian (and the Slavonic languages gener- ally) to incorporate the negative with the verb.

žádný. See p. 29.

rozsáhlé říši, genitive because

of the negative going before. po smrti. See rules for the

use of prepositions.