Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/77

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. Future.

Singular. Plural.

1. budu volatí budeme volatí

2. budeš volatí budete volatí

3. bude volatí budou volatí.


volej, call thou | volejme, let us call

volejte, call ye.

participles (undeclined).

Present. Past,

volaje volav.

volajíce, calling

conditional mood.


Singular Plural.

volal bych, I might call volali bychom

volal bys volali byste ■

volal by volali by.

Pluperfect. Singular. Plural.

byl bych volal, I might have byli bychom volali

called byli byste volali

byl bys volal byli by volali,

byl by volal

participles (declined).

Present. Past,

volající, calling | volavsí, having called.

Past Passive. Undeclined . . volan, called Declined . . . volaný.

verbal noun.

volání, the act of calling. (For Participles, see further, p. 36.)