Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/33

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critical examination of the whole work. Mr. Ellis and Archdeacon Mousley are in a special manner entitled to my thanks; for their criticisms enabled me to correct many imperfections that had otherwise escaped my notice.

In examining the principles inculcated by the best native grammarians, I was assisted by my Teloogoo instructor Woodiagherry Vencatanarrain Ayah, a young bramin of superior intelligence and remarkable acquirements, who, by his own merits alone, subsequently rose to the situation of Head English master at the College of Fort St. George, and lately to the more honorable office of Interpreter to the Supreme Court of judicature at the Presidency. He generally sat by me while I wrote the notes from which this Grammar has been compiled, and I may therefore be said to have availed myself of his aid and advice throughout the work.

I have only further to add that on all intricate points of grammar I have invariably consulted the learned Pundit Putabhi Rama Sastry, Head Sanscrit and Teloogoo master at the College, and where I found the native grammarians at variance, have been regulated chiefly by his opinions, in attempting to reconcile their differences, or in selecting that authority to which the preference has been given.