Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/205

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thither with Wulfric Abbot of St. Augustine's, and the Abbot Ælfwine, to the end that they might report to him what was there determined upon with regard to the Christian religion.

The same year King Edward went out to Sandwich with a large fleet, and Earl Swegn came with seven ships to Boseham, and treated with the King, and it was promised him that he should be put in possession of all that he had before; then his brother Earl Harold and Earl Beorn interfered, and prevented his enjoying the King's grant, and four days were allowed for his return to the ships. In the mean while word was brought to the King that an hostile fleet lay off the west, and was plundering. Then Earl Godwin sailed westward with two of the King's ships, one of which was commanded by Earl Harold, and the other by his brother Tostig, and with 42 of the ships furnished by the people.—Then Earl Harold was removed from the king's ship which he had commanded, and they sailed as far as Pevensey, and lay there weather-bound. And within two days Earl Swegn came thither and spake with his father and with Earl Beorn, who was then with Godwin; and he entreated Beorn that he would go with him to the King at Sandwich, and assist him in obtaining the King's favour: and Beorn consented to this, and