Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/272

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Earl of Northumberland and lead him to Bamborough, and to put out both his eyes, unless the besieged would surrender the castle, which was defended by his wife, and his steward Moreal, who was also his kinsman. On this, the castle was given up, and Moreal was received at William's Court; and through him many were discovered, both clergy and laity, who had aided this rebellion with their counsel. Then the King ordered some of them to be imprisoned before Christmas, and he straightly commanded throughout the kingdom, that all who held lands of him should be at his Court on that festival, as they would retain his protection. And the King had Earl Robert brought to Windsor, and confined there in the castle. This year also, a little before Easter, the Pope's Legate came to England; this was Walter Bishop of Alba, a man of a very virtuous life, and at Pentecost he presented Archbishop Anselm with his pall from Pope Urban, and he received it at his metropolitan city of Canterbury. And Bishop Walter remained here great part of this year, and on his return the Romescot, which had not been paid for many years before, was sent with him. This