Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/105

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Dasgwrn, n. a cone, a rick

Dasgyrn, n. a stacking

Dasiad, n. a ricking, stacking

Dasmal, n. a gentle touch

Dasmalu, v. to touch gently

Dasol, a. cumulated; stacked

Dasu, v. to stack, to rick

Daswl, n. a pile; a stack

Daswrn, n. a cone; a pile

Dasyliad, n. a piling up

Dasylu, v. to pile, to rick

Dasyrnu, v. to heap, to rick

Dathliad, n. celebration

Dathlu, v. to celebrate

Dau, n. two, a. two

Daw, n. a boon; a son in law, a coming onward

Dawd, n. a deposit; a giving

Dawes, n. a daughter-in-law

Dawg, n. a portion, or share

Dawn, n. gift; virtue; grace

Dawni, v. to gift, to endow

Dawnus, a. gifted, virtuous

Dawr, v. to care, to regard

De, n. activity; a parting, right, right side; the south: v. to part; to right; a. separate right; south

Dead, n. a parting; separation

Deadell, n. a flock, a herd

Deadellog, a. gregarious

Deadelliad, n. a herding

Deadellu, v. to form a herd

Deaeth, n. separation

Deall, n. intellect; understanding: v. to understand

Deallol, a. intellectual

Dealladwy, a. apprehensible

Dealledig, a. gifted with reason

Dealledigaeth, n. understanding, comprehension

Dealledigol, a. intellective

Deallgar, a. intelligent, wise

Deallgarwch, n. intelligence

Dealliad, n. intellection

Deallol, a. intellective

Deallt, n. understanding

Dealltiad, n. intellection

Dealltwr, n. intellectualist

Dealltwriaeth, n. understanding, comprehension

Dealltwrus, a. intelligent

Deallu, v. to understand

Deallus, a. intelligent, knowing

Deau, n. the right; the south; a. right, dexterous

Deawl, v. tending to separate

Debed, v. to go, to depart

Dechre, n. beginning, origin

Dechreuad, n. origination

Dechreuol, a. original, initial

Dechreu, v. to begin

Dechreuad, n. a beginning

Dechreuedig, a. begun

Dechreuol, a. initial primitive

Dechreuwr, n. a beginner

Dedfryd, n. restoration; verdict, adjudicant

Dedfrydiad, n. adjudication

Dedfrydol, a. adjudicating

Dedlidio, v. to be angry again

Dedwinedd, n. evanesence

Dedwino, v. to fade away

Dedwinoldeb, n. evanidness

Dedwydd, n. a state of bliss; a. of renewed intelligence; discreet; happy

Dedwyddiad, n. beatification

Dedwyddo, v. to beatify

Dedwyddol, a. beatific

Dedwyddus, a. beatific; blessed

Dedwyddwch, n. happiness

Dedwyn, a. calmed of passion

Dedylliad, n. a suckling

Dedyllio, v. to suckle

Dedd, n. an order, rule

Deddf, n. statute, law, ordinance

Deddfiad, n. ordination

Deddfol, a. ceremonial

Deddfolder, n. ordinateness

Deddfoli, v. to make ordinal

Deddfolrwydd, n. ceremonialness

Deddfu, v. to institute

Deddfwr, n. a legislator

Deëuad, n. rightly; southing