Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/148

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Ffaelu, v. to fail, to miss

Ffaeth, a. luxuriant, rich, ripe

Ffaethder, n. luxuriancy

Ffaethedig, a. fecundated

Ffaethiad, n. fecundation

Ffaethol, a. tending to make mellow

Ffaethu, v. to make luxuriant

Ffaethus, a. luxuriant, mellow

Ffaethuso, v. to fecundate

Ffaethusrwydd, n. mellowness

Ffag, n. what tends to unite

Ffagl, n. a blaze, a flame

Ffagliad, n. a blazing

Ffaglog, a. blazing, flaming

Ffaglu, v. to blaze, to flame, to conflagrate

Ffaglwr, n. a blazer, one who bears a blaze; an incendiary

Ffaglydd, n. a blazer

Ffagod, n. a faggott, a bundle

Ffagoden, n. a faggot

Ffagodi, v. to faggot, to bundle

Ffai, n. cessation; forgetting

Ffaig, n. extremity: a stop; a turn; an embarassment

Ffain, n. what is conical

Ffair, n. eminence, a fair

Ffaith, n. a fact; an act

Ffal, n. closure; heel of shoe

Ffald, n. a fold; a pinfold

Ffaling, n. a mantle, a cloak

Ffalingaw, v. to cloak, to robe

Ffalingiad, n. a cloaking, a robing

Ffalm, a. whirling, twirling

Ffals, a. masket; deceitful, false

Ffalsder, n. deceitfulness, falseness

Ffalsedd, n. deceitfulness

Ffalstedd, n. dissimulation, falsity

Ffalsu, v. to use falsity, to deceive

Ffall, n. a squab: a. squabby

Ffallach, n. a squabby one

Ffallachog, a. of a squabby form

Ffan, n. a surface, a covering

Ffaner, n. a supreme, a sovereign

Ffanwg, n. a covered state

Ffangyl, n. what covereth; safety

Ffar, n. that extends out

Ffaraon, n. the high powers

Ffargod, n. a big paunch

Ffas, n. a ligature, a band

Ffasg, n. a tie, a bundle

Ffasgell, n. a bundle, a whisp

Ffasgelliad, n. a bundling

Ffasgellu, v. to tie in bundles

Ffasgiad, n. ligation

Ffasgu, v. to bind, to tie

Ffat, n. a pat, a smart blow

Ffatiad, n. a giving a pat

Ffatio, v. to part, to strike lightly

Ffatiwr, n. a patter

Ffau, n. a den, a cave

Ffaw, n. radiancy; glory: radiant; glorious; fair

Ffawd, n. fortune, luck; fate; prosperity; happiness

Ffawdd, n. radiation, splendour

Ffawg, n. delight: a. pleasing

Ffawr, n. a course

Ffawydd, n. pine, fir, deal; beech

Ffe, n. what is outward

Ffed, n. an outside; presence; demeanour: a. outward

Ffedawnen, n. neckcloth, cravet

Ffedel, n. the front or lap

Ffedog, n. an apron

Ffedogaid, n. an apronful

Ffedogi, v. to put in an apron

Ffedon, what screens; a screen

Ffedonas, n. a screen; a fan

Ffedu, v. to place outward; to expose

Ffedus, a. exposed; manifest

Ffei, int. begone! off! shame! fie

Ffeiad, n. a shaming away

Ffeigiad, n. a driving; to extremity

Ffeigiol, a. ultimate; puzzling

Ffeinid, n. a rising into a point

Ffeinidwydd, n. pine trees

Ffeio, v. to put to shame

Ffeiriad, n. a bartering

Ffeirio, v. to barter, to change

Ffeiriwr, n. a chapman

Ffeithiant, n. effectuation, operation

Ffeithio, v. to effectuate