Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/162

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Gohiriol, a. prolonging, delaying; lingering

Gohiriwr, n. prolonger

Gohorian, v. to act sluggishly

Gohew, a. pretty, sprightly

Gohyd, n. a mean length

Goian, n. the Omnipresent

Gol, n. covering, vesture

Golaeth, n. adoration, worship

Golaith, n. death; dissolution: v. to cause disolution

Golam, n. a hop, a skip

Golas, n. pale bluish: a. bluish

Golast, n. a hoop that is put under a bee-hive

Golau, n. light: a. light

Golch, n. lie; urine; wash

Golchbren, n. wash beetle

Golchfa, n. a washing place

Golchffon, n. a battingstaff

Golchi, v. to wash, to cleanse

Golchiad, n. a washing

Golchion, n. slops; suds

Golchioni, v. to make slops

Golchwr, n. a washer

Golchydd, n. a washer

Golchwraig, n. washer-women

Gole, n. a splendour

Goleâu, v. to illumine

Golechu, v. to skulk, to lurk

Goledu, v. partly, to expand

Goleddf, n. slight obliquity

Goleddfu, v. to go a little awry

Golefain, v. to cry faintly

Goleithio, v. to cause dissolution

Goleithwch, n. state of dissolution

Goleithychu, v. to bring into a state of dissolution

Golemain, v. to hobble, to hop

Golesg, a. somewhat feeble

Goleu, n. light: a. light

Goleuâd, n. an illumination; a luminary; a light

Golëadol, a. illuminative

Golëannu, v. to illumine

Goleuant, n. illumination

Goleuder, n. light; brightness

Goleuddal, n. a chandelier

Goleuddydd, n. a splendid day

Goleuedigaeth, n. the act of enlightening

Goleuen, n. a glow-worm

Goleufawr, a. refulgent

Goleufer, n. light, splendour

Goleuferu, v. to make luminous

Goleufynag, n. explanation

Goleulawn, a. refulgent

Goleuliw, n. a light hue: a. of a light hue

Goleulosg, n. a bright burning

Goleulosgi, v. to burn brightly

Goleuni, n. light: illustration

Goleunwy, n. gaslight

Goleuo, v. to enlighten, to give light; to reveal

Goleuol, a. enlightening

Goleuwr, n. a lighter

Geleuydd, n. a lighter

Golewychu, v. to shine faintly

Golf, n. a swallow; a gulf

Golfan, n. a sparrow

Goliniaw, to push with the knee

Golith, n. a gradual training

Golithro, v. to slip gradual

Goliw, n. a faint hue

Goliwiad, n. a giving a tint

Goliwio, v. to tint faintly

Golo, n. a covering

Golöi, v. to envelope; to protect

Golöad, n. all enveloping

Golochi, v. to protect partly

Golochwyd, n. a retreat

Golochwyda, v. to live secluded

Golochwydol, a. eremetical

Golöed, n. a covering

Golof, n. a covert, a shelter

Goloni, v. to cheer a little

Golosg, n. coke: a. coked

Golosged, n. char; the snuff of a candle; tinder

Golosgi, v. to char; to singe

Golosgiad, n. a charring

Goluch, n. adoration worship

Golucho, v. to adore, to worship

Golud, n. wealth, riches