Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/195

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Hael, n. a liberal one: a. generous, liberal

Haelder, Haelioni, n. liberality

Haeledd, n. munificence

Haeliad, n. a becoming liberal

Haelionus, a. apt to be liberal

Haelu, v. to become liberal

Haen, n. stratum, layer

Haeniad, n. a placing in layers

Haenu, v. to put in layers

Haer, n. positively: a. positive; stubborn

Haeriad, n. a being positive

Haeriant, n. an affirmation

Haerllug, a. importunate

Haerllugo, v. to urge obstinately

Haerol, a. affirmative

Haeru, v. to affirm, to insist

Hâf, n. fullness; summer

Hafaidd, a. like summer

Hafal, a. like; equal

Hafarch, a. listless; restive

Hafdy, n. a summer-house

Hafiad, n. a becoming summer

Hafin, n. summer season

Haflug, n. abundance: a. uberous

Hafn, n. a haven, a port, a harbour, a safe station for ships

Hafnai, n. a slattern, slut

Hafnen, n. a slattern, a trollop

Hafnol, a. slatternly, sluttish

Hafod, n. a summer dwelling; a dairy

Hafodi, v. to reside in a summer dwelling

Hafodwr, n. a dairyman

Hafog, n. waste, havoc; a. abundant, common

Hafogi, v. to commit havoc

Hafol, a. summer; festival

Hafota, v. to pass a summer

Hafotty, n. a dairy-house

Hafr, n. a slatern; gaot

Hafrog, a. slatternly; a trollop

Hafren, n. a trollop, a strumpet

Hafru, v. to render sluggish

Hafu, v. to become summer

Haff, n. a snatch, a catch

Haffiad, n. a snatching

Hafio, v. to snatch, to seize

Hagen, conj. yet, nevertheless

Hagen, ad. yet, after all, still

Hagr, a. ugly, unseemly

Hagräu, v. to make ugly; to become ugly

Hagriad, n. a rendering ugly

Hagrwch, n. ugliness

Haha, expressive of surprise

Hai, n. excitation; haste

Hai, v. hei, quick, make haste

Haiach, n. instant, moment

Haiach, adv. instantly; almost

Haiachen, n. instant, moment

Haiachen, adv. instantaneously

Haiarn, n. iron

Haiarnddê, a. teeming with iron

Haiarnddu, n. iron black

Haiarniad, n. a doing with iron

Haiarnllyd, a. ferruginous

Haiarnol, a. of iron quality

Haiarnu, v. to do with iron

Haiarnwaith, n. ironmongery

Haiarnwedd, n. iron hue

Haiarnwr, n. ironmonger

Haib, n. superabundance

Haid, n. swarm, throng

Haidd, n. barley

Haif, n. overwhelming

Haig, n. a shoal

Haihow, interj. heigh oh! alas!

Haihwchw, interj. hallo, murder!

Hail, n. ratio; bounty; service

Hain, n. what spreads through

Haint, n. what is prevalent, an infection, disease, sickness. Haint y nodau, the plague

Hair, a. tedious, dilatory, long

Hais, n. what is full of points

Haith, n. aptness to reach

Hal, n. essential salt, a salt marsh

Hal, v. saline, salt; alkaline

Halaeth, n. saturation; fullness

Haledig, a. impregnated

Halent, n. plenum: saturation

Halen, n. salt, Crwth halen,