Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/206

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Hwtio, v. to push off; to hoot

Hwy, pron. they, them

Hwy, a. long; tedious; longer

Hwyâd, n. a lengthening

Hwyad, n. a duck

Hwyaden, n. a duck

Hwyâu, v. to lengthen

Hwyddell, n. a female salmon

Hwyedig, a. lengthened

Hwyedydd, n. a young bird

Hwyfell, n. a female salmon

Hwyl, n. a course; plight, state, or condition; a sail

Hwylbren, n. a sail yard; a mast

Hwylfa, n. a course; a lane

Hwyliad, n. a driving; a butting; a progression; a sailing

Hwylio, v. to set in course; to butt; to prepare; to sail

Hwyliog, a. having course; being under sail

Hwylus, a. orderly, prosperous

Hwyluso, v. to facilitate

Hwylusdod, n. facility

Hwyn, n. a long hair; a gin

Hwynaw, v. to lay a springe

Hwynt, pron. they, them

Hwynthwy, pron. they themselves

Hwyr, n. lateness; the evening; a. slow, tedious; late

Hwyrâad, n. a growing late

Hwyrach, a. slower; later: ad. peradventure

Hwyrâu, v. to become late

Hwyrder, n. latenesss

Hwyrdrwm, a. sluggish, drowsy

Hwyrddig, a. slow to anger

Hwyrddysg, a. slow to learn

Hwyredd, n. lateness, tardiness

Hwyrfryd, a. of slow disposition

Hwyrfrydig, a. slowly disposed

Hwyrol, a. relating to evening

Hwyrweddawg, a. forbearing

Hwys, n. draught; load

Hwysaw, v. to heap together

Hwysg, n. a sweep; ravage

Hwysgaw, v. to sweep away

Hwysgiad, n. devastation

Hwyst, n. dart, glance

Hwythau, pro. they likewise

Hy, n. aptitude to proceed: a. apt; bold; audacious

Hyadlais, a. apt to resound

Hyall, a. possible, effectible

Hyalledd, n. possibility

Hyar, a. apt to resound; vocal

Hyawdledd, n. eloquence

Hyawdl, a. eloquent, fluent

Hyb, n. a getting forward; a recovery

Hyball, a. fallible, defectible

Hyballedd, n. fallibility

Hybar, a. apt to provide

Hybarch, a. reverend, revered

Hybarchedd, n. venerableness

Hybarth, a. divisible

Hybarthedd, n. divisibility

Hybawl, a recovering; saving

Hybechrwydd, n. aptness to sin

Hybell, a. far ranging; distant

Hybiad, n. a recovering

Hyblaid, n. apt to take a part

Hybleth, a. apt to weave

Hyblyg, a. easily doubted; also flexible

Hyblygedd, n. flexibility

Hyboen, a. susceptible of pain

Hyboeth, a. easily heated

Hyborth, a. easily supported

Hybrawf, a. demonstrable

Hybryn, a. easily bought

Hybu, v. to get foremost; to recover

Hybwyll, a. discreet, rational

Hybwylledd, n. deliberation

Hybwys, a. aptly pressing

Hybwysedd, n. ponderousness

Hychan, n. a little sow

Hychgryg, n. quinsy

Hychiad, n. a thrusting

Hychian, v. to grunt

Hychiaw, v. to push, to thrust

Hychig, n. little or young sow

Hychwant, a. aptly lusting

Hychwardd, a. aptly laughing