Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/222

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Lloni, v. to solace, to gladden

Lloniad, n. a gladdening

Lloniant, n. inward pleasure

Llonychiad, n. a giving pleasure

Llonychu, v. to make cheerful

Llonydd, a. at ease, at rest, quiet

Llonyddiad, n. a quieting

Llonyddol, a. tending to quiet

Llonyddu, v. to quiet

Llonyddwch, n. quietness

Llonyddwr, n. a tranquilizer

Llong, n. a ship

Llongborth, n. harbour for ships

Llongdor, n. a shipwreck

Llongdoriad, n. shipwrecking

Llongddrylliad, n. shipwrecking

Llongddryllio, v. to shipwreck

Llongi, v. to go on board a ship

Llongiad, n. a going on board

Llongiadaeth, n. navigation

Llongiadu, v. to navigate

Llonglwyth, n. a ship-load

Llongsaer, n. a shipwright

Llongsaerniaeth, n. the act of ship-building

Llongwr, n. a sailor

Llongwriaeth, n. seamanship

Llongwrio, v. to work a ship

Llop, n. a buskin; a boot

Llopan, n. sort of shoe

Llopanu, v. to wear buskins

Llopanwr, n. a buskin maker

Llor, n. that bulges out; a bulb

Lloriad, n. a floor-ful

Llorf, n. a pillar

Llorfdant, n. base string of a harp

Lloriad, n. a laying a floor

Llorio, v. to lay a floor

Lloriog, a. floored; groveling

Llorion, n. sweepings; bottoms

Llorlen, n. a floor-cloth

Llorp, n. a side-beam; a shank

Llorpog, a. having a side-beam

Llorwydd, n. laurelwood

Llosg, n. a burn; heat, inflammation

Llosgaberth, n. burnt sacrifice

Llosgach, n. unnatural lust

Llosgadwy, a. conbustible

Llosgawl, a. burning, ignitive

Llosged, n. that is burnt

Llosgedig, a. scorched

Llosgedd, n. state of burning

Llosgen, n. a blister

Llosgfaen, n. brimstone

Llosgfal, n. a burning mountain

Llosgi, v. to burn; to be burning

Llosgiad, n. a burning

Llosgrach, n. scabs of itch

Llosgwrn, n. a tail

Llosgwynt, n. a singeing blast

Llosgyrnog, a. having a tail

Llost, n. a dart; a sting; a tail

Llosten, n. a tail; genitals

Llostlydan, n. spattle-tail, beaver

Llostodyn, n. a metre so called

Llu, n. a throng; a host

Lluad, n. a thronging

Lluadu, v. to throng, to flock

Lluan, n. that glitters with light

Lluanu, v. to reflect light

Lluarth, n. an encampment

Lluarthu, v. to form a camp

Lluch, n. a throw; a glance a darting, flashing

Lluched, n. a gleam; lightning

Lluchedawl, a. flashing

Llucheden, n. a flash; a fever

Lluchedenawl, a. gleaming

Lluchedeniad, n. a gleaming

Lluchedenu, v. to gleam

Lluchediad, n. a coruscation

Lluchedyn, n. a gleam, a flash

Lluchfa, n. a drift, a throw

Lluchfryd, a. of ardent passion

Lluchfrys, a. of ardent haste

Lluchiad, n. a throwing, a drifting

Lluchiaw, v. to throw, to fling, to pelt, to drift

Lluchiawl, a. flinging

Lluchlam, n. a darting stride

Lluchochr, n. the coral

Lluchwayw, n. a javelin, a dart

Lluchynt, n. a violent onset

Llud, n. pure ore, wealth, a. close, compact, essential