Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/225

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Llwynogyn, n. a young fox

Llwyo, v. to use a spoon

Llwyr, a. utter, quite clean

Llwyrbris, n. full purchase

Llwyrdeb, n. completeness

Llwyrdda, a. completely good

Llwyrddrwg, a. completely bad

Llwyredd, n. entireness

Llwyrles, n. universal benefit

Llwyrwad, n. complete denial

Llwyrwaith, n. complete work

Llwyrwys, n. a general summons

Llwys, a. clear, clean, pure. holy

Llwysedd, n. purity; sanctitude

Llwysiad, n. a purging, a hallowing

Llwyso, v. to clear; to sanctify

Llwysog, a. cleanly; hallowed

Llwyth, n. what is borne, a load

Llwythiad, n. a burdening, a loading

Llwytho, v. to burden, to load

Llwythog, a. burdened, loaded

Llyad, n. a licking, a lic, a slap

Llyarth, n. a gentle rise, a slope

Llych, n. what is flat; a squat, a sculk

Llychìad, n. a dusting, a powdering

Llychiannu, v. to pulverise

Llychiant, n. a powdering

Llychineb, n. dustiness

Llychio, v. to reduce to dust

Llychiog, a. abounding with dust; powdery

Llychlyd, a. dusty, full of dust

Llychludo, v. to render dusty

Llychlyn, n. a gulf; brooklime

Llychol, a. squatting, cowering, sculking; flattening

Llychu, v. to squat, to cower

Llychwin, a. dusty; blotted

Llychwino, v. to make or to become dusty; to become of a dusky hue

Llychwr, n. what spreads along

Llychwyr, n. decline of light; twilight

Llychyn, n. particle of dust

Llyd, n. breadth, extent

Llydan, a. broad, wide, spacious

Llydandroed, a. broad-footed

Llydanddail, a. broad-leaved

Llydanedd, n. broadness, width

Llydaniad, n. a dilation

Llydanu, v. to expand, to dilate

Llydiad, n. an expanding

Llydniad, n. a casting of young

Llydnig, n. a small animal

Llydnu, v. to bring forth, to foal

Llydnyn, n. a little animal

Llydu, v. to expand, to dilate

Llydw, n. abundance, enjoyment

Llydd, a. diffused, expanded

Llyddad, n. a diffusing, a pouring

Llyddo, v. to diffuse, to pour

Lluest, n. a polypus

Llyf, n. a stretch out; a licking

Llyfan, n. a string, a rope

Llyfandafod, n. tongue-tied

Llyfaniad, n. a stringing

Llyfanog, n. the liverwort

Llyfantws, n. burst-cow fly

Llyfanu, v. to string, to bind

Llyfanwst, n. a disease in cattle

Llyfas, n. a venture, an attempt

Llyfasiad, n. aventuring, a daring, a presuming

Llyfasol, a. venturesome, daring, presuming

Llyfasu, v. to venture, to attempt

Llyfeb, n. juration, swearing

Llyfedig, a. being licked, or lapped

Llyfeliad, n. a contriving; a levelling

Llyfelu, v. to devise, to guess; to level

Llyfen, n. the loin

Llyfenol, a. relating to the loin

Llyferthiad, n. a fatiguing

Llyferthiant, n. defatigation

Llyferthin, a. exhausted, wearied

Llyferthol, a. wearisome

Llyferthus, a. wearisome, tiring

Llyfi, n. what is slimy; snivel

Llyfiad, n. a licking

Llyfio, v. to snivel

Llyfiol, a. snivelling

Llyfn, a. smooth, sleek, even, level