Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/226

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Llyfnâd, n. a smoothing

Llyfnâu, v. to smooth, to polish

Llyfnder, n. smoothness

Llyfniad, n. a making smooth

Llyfnu, v. to smooth, to level: to harrow

Llyfol, a. lambative, licking

Llyfr, n. what drags, the heel of a drag, n. a book

Llyfran, n. a pamphlet

Llyfrâu, v. to render timid

Llyfrder, n. cowardliness

Llyfrgell, n. a library

Llyfrith, a. eruptive, pimpled

Llyfrithen, n. a pimple; a stye

Llyfrithiad, n. an eruption

Llyfritho, to break out as a rash

Llyfrithiol, a. eruptive

Llyfrol, a. relating to books

Llyfrothen, n. a gudgeon

Llyfru, v. to book

Llyfrwerthydd, n. bookseller

Llyfrwr, n. a bookman, a booker, a librarian

Llyfryn, n. a little book

Llyfu, v. to lick with the tongue

Llyffant, n. frog. Llyffant du, toad

Llyffanu, v. to hop as a frog

Llyffeth, n. a spring up; a hop

Llyffethar, n. fetlock, clog

Llyffetheiriad, n. a shackling

Llyffetheirio, v. to shackle

Llyffethr, n. a fetlock-joint

Llyg, n. a mouse; a shrew

Llygad, n. eyesight, an eye

Llygadbwl, a. being dull-sighted

Llygaden, n. a glance of light

Llygadfrith, a. wall-eyed

Llygadgall, squinting outwardly

Llygadgam, a. of winking eye

Llygadgamiad, n. a winking

Llygadgamu, v. to wink the eye

Llygadglaf, a. having a sore eye

Llygadgoch, red-eyed, blear-eyed

Llygadgoll, a. having lost an eye

Llygadgraff, a. sharp-sighted

Llygadlon, a. having merry eye

Llygadlym, a keen-eyed

Llygadog, a. having an eye

Llygadol, belonging to the eyes

Llygadronca, a. hollow-eyed

Llygadrudd, a. having a red eye

Llygadrydd, a. loose-eyed

Llygadrythiad, n. a staring

Llygadrythu, v. to stare, to gaze

Llygadwib, a. of a roving eye

Llygadwyr, a. squint-eyed

Llygaeron, n. cranberries

Llygas, n. splendour

Llygeden, Llygedin, n. a glance of light

Llygeidiog, a. having eyes

Llygeirin, n. bogberries

Llygliw, n. a mouse colour

Llygo, v. to cast a splendour

Llygoden, n. a mouse. Llygoden ffrengig, rat

Llygol, a. brightening; livid

Llygorn, n. a lamp, a lanthorn

Llygota, to catch mice

Llygotwr, n. a mouse catcher, a mouser

Llygrad, n. a corrupting

Llygradwy, a. corruptible

Llygredig, a. damaged, depraved, corrupted

Llygredigaeth, n. corruption

Llygredd, n. corruptness

Llygriad, n. a corrupting

Llygrol, a. corruptive, damaging

Llygroldeb, n. corruptibility

Llygru, v. to corrupt; to gall

Llygrwr, n. a corrupter, a spoiler, a depraver

Llygu, v. to break out; to spot

Llygwyn, n. the herb orach

Llynges, n. a fleet, a navy

Llyngesawr, n. an admiral

Llyngesog, a. having a fleet

Llyngesol, a. relating to a fleet

Llyngesu, v. to form a fleet

Llyngeswr, n. admiral

Llyngyr, n. worms, maw-worms

Llyngyren, n. worm

Llym, n. what is sharp or keen

Llyma, v. imper. lo here, behold

Llymâd, n. a sharpening

Llymaid, n. a sup, a sip