Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/254

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Pabir, n. rushes; rush candles

Pablaidd, a. active; nervous

Pabledd, a. activity; vigour

Pabliad, n. invigoration

Pablu, v. to invigorate

Pabwyr, n. rushes

Pabwyra, v. to gather rushes

Pabwyrog, a. full of rushes

Pabwyren, n. a single rush

Pabwyryn, n. a bullrush

Pabydd, n. a papist

Pabyddol, a. papistical

Pabyddiaeth, n. popery

Pâd, n. what keeps together; what contains

Padell, n. pan

Padellaid, n. a panful

Padellan, Padellig, n. a little pan

Padellu, v. to form a pan

Padd, n. what keeps a course

Pae, n. a constraint; a panting

Paeled, n. a spread, a plaster; a scull-cap

Paen, n. what spreads; peacock

Paenes, n. a peahen; a fine girl

Paent, n. paint; colour

Paentiad, n. a painting

Paentiedig, a. painted, coloured

Paeol, n. a pail; a pot

Paeth, n. concurrence

Paff, n. a lump; a hulk

Paffiad, n. lumping; thumping

Paffio, v. to lump; to thump

Pang, n. a convulsion; a pang

Pangiad, n. a convulsing

Pangol, a. convulsive

Pangu, v. to convulse

Paham, adv. wherefore? why?

Pai, n. what is objective

Paid, n. cessation, quiet

Paill, n. farina, flour

Pain, n. bloom; fine dust; farina

Pair, n. instrumentality; cause; a boiler, a cauldron

Pais, n. a coat; a petticoat

Paisg, n. a coating; a pod

Pâl, n. a spread; a ray; a spade

Palad, n. a radiating, a beaming, a shooting out

Paladr, n. a ray; a beam; a shaft; a stem; a stalk; axis

Paladrog, a. having a shaft

Paladriad, n. a forming a shaft

Paladru, v. to beam, to shaft; to bole

Paladrwym, n. a flail joint

Paladu, v. to beam, to radiate

Palawr, n. a delver, a digger

Paled, n. a shaft; a javelin

Paledrydd, n. a maker of darts

Paledu, v. to cast a dart

Palf, n. flat end of a shaft; a paw; a palm

Palfaid, n. a stroke of a palm

Palfaliad, n. a groping about

Palfalu, v. to grope about

Palfes, n. the shoulders of a quadruped

Palfiad, n. a pawing

Palfod, n. a stroke of a paw

Palfog, a. pawed; having a palm

Paliad, n. a spreading; a delving, a digging

Palis, n. a pale, a wainscot; the steep of a rock

Paliso, v. to pale, to wainscot

Palisog, a. paled, wainscoted

Palm, n. a spread; a flag

Palmant, n. a pavement

Palmantu, v. to lay a paving

Palmwydd, n. palm trees

Palores, n. a cough, a daw

Palu, v. to delve, to dig

Pall, n. loss of energy; a miss, a failure; nought; neglect: n. a mantle; a pavilion

Palladwy, a. fallible; perishable

Pallder, a. fallibility, failed state

Palldod, n. failure, abortiveness

Palliad, n. a failing; a neglecting

Palliant, n. failure; neglect

Pallu, v. to fail; to cease

Pam, adv. wherefore, why

Pan, n. a pan, a bowl, a cup: n. down. fur; nap; fulling: adv. when, whence, since

Panan, n. what involves or works together