Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/279

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Rhwystredig, a. hindering

Rhwystri, n. hindrance; let

Rhwystro, to hinder, to obstruct

Rhwystrusi, n. hindrance

Rhwyth, n. what pervades; juice

Rhwytho, v. to pervade, to ooze

Rhy, n. excess, superfluity

Rhyado, v. to leave utterly

Rhyaddo, v. to promise overmuch

Rhyal, n. a procreation

Rhybarch, n. extreme regard

Rhybed, n. a clinched state

Rhybediad, n. a clinching

Rhyborthi, v. to support fully

Rhybrynu, v. to purchase fully

Rhybuch, n. earnest longing

Rhybudd, n. notice, warning

Rhybuddio, v. to give notice

Rhybuddiol, a. warning

Rhyburo, v. to purify fully

Rhybwyso, v. to over-weigh

Rhybwyth, n. a retort; over-play

Rhych, n. a trench, a furrow

Rhychio, Rhychu, v. to trench, to furrow

Rhychwant, n. a span length

Rhychwantu, v. to span

Rhychware, n. excess of play

Rhyd, n. a course; a ford

Rhydaf, n. an overspreading

Rhydain, n. a young deer, a fawn

Rhydalu, v. to over-pay

Rhydanu, v. to spread greatly

Rhydarf, n. excessive rout

Rhydeddu, v. to render supreme

Rhyderig, a. barren, as to breeding

Rhydgoch, a. of a russet colour

Rhydio, v. to ford, to pass

Rhydle, n. a fording place

Rhydlyd, a. apt to rust, rusty

Rhydni, n. rustiness, rust

Rhydöi, v. to overspread

Rhydollt, n. sawdust

Rhydres, n. arrogance

Rhydresol, a. supercilious

Rhydu, v. to rust, to grow rusty

Rhydweli, n. an artery

Rhydwf, n. exuberance

Rhydwng, n. an anathema

Rhydyllu, v. to perforate

Rhydyn, a. overstrained

Rhydd, n. liberty, freedom: a. at large; free; liberal

Rhyddâd, n. a liberating

Rhyddadlu, v. to dispute overmuch

Rhyddail, n. second leaves

Rhyddaol, a. loosening, freeing

Rhyddâu, v. to free, to liberate

Rhydd-did, Rhyddid, n. liberty

Rhydderchafu, v. to over exalt

Rhyddewyllys, n. freewill

Rhyddiaith, n. free language; prose

Rhyddiant, n. relaxation liberation

Rhyddineb, n. freedom, facility

Rhyddogni, v. to over-supply

Rhyddonio, v. to gift greatly

Rhyddrent, n. gavelkind

Rhyerchi, v. to ask earnestly

Rhyfion, n. currants

Rhyfael, n. excessive gain

Rhyfai, n. an extreme fault

Rhyfail, n. a prepossession

Rhyfaint, n. an excess

Rhyfalu, v. to grind extremely

Rhyfanu, v. to impress

Rhyfarnu, v. to pre-judge

Rhyfawrth, n. March wind

Rhyfedd, a. surprising, wonderful

Rhyfeddod, n. a surprise, a wonder

Rhyfeddol, a. surprising, wonderful

Rhyfeddu, v. to wonder, to be surprised

Rhyfel, n. war, warfare

Rhyfela, v. to wage war, to war

Rhyfelog, a. belligerent. warring

Rhyfelgar, a. apt to war, warlike

Rhyfelu, v. to wage war, to war

Rhyferad, n. a drivelling

Rhyferthin, n. a violent gust

Rhyferthwy, n. a torent, a tempest

Rhyferwi, v. to over-boil

Rhyfoli, v. to praise; to flatter

Rhyforiad, n. a scrambling