Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/288

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Syniedig, a. perceived; considered

Synigliad, n. a stimulation

Synio, v. to feel; to be sensible

Syniol, a. sensible, perceptive

Syniolaeth, n. perceptivity

Synioldeb, n. perceptibility

Synu, v. to observe steadfastly: to be amazed

Synwr, n. a sense, meaning

Synwyreb, n. a sentence

Synwyrgar, a. sententious

Synwyriad, n. a gathering of sense

Synwyrol, a. sensible, rational

Synwyroldeb, n. sensibleness

Sypiad, n. squeezing together

Sypio, v. to squeeze together

Sypyn, n. a small bundle

Syr, n. a master, a lord: sir: n. stars

Syrch, n. a striking against

Syrn, adv. partly, rather, half

Syrniad, n. a forming into parts

Syrth, n. a fall; chance; lot: sort; offals

Syrthfa, n. a fallen state

Syrthiant, n. a propensity

Syrthio, v. to fall, to tumble

Syrthiol, a. falling, tumbling

Syrthni, n. listlessness

Syth, n. a stiff or rigid state: a. stiff, rigid, erect

Sythder, n. stiffness; erectness

Sythi, n. what stiffens; a beam

Sythol, a. tending to stiffen

Sytholdeb, n. stiffening tendency

Sythu, v. to stiffen; to make or become erect

Syw, a regular, trim, smart

Sywed, n. astronomy

Sywedydd, n. astronomer

Sywedyddol, a. astronomical

Sywidŵ, n. the titmouse

Sywino, v. to turn or use continually; to dissipate

Sywio, v. to make uniform, to put in trim

Sywydd, n. star knowledge

Swyddol, a. astrological

Sywyddwr, n. astrologer

Ta, n. a spread; a superior

Tab, n. a spread; a surface

Tabar, n. tabard

Tabwrdd, n. a tabour

Tabyrddu, v. to play on the tabour

Tacl, n. a tool; tackle

Taclu, v. to deck, to trim, to patch

Taclus, a. neat, tidy, complete

Tacluso, v. to put in trim, to smarten

Taclusder, Taclusrwydd, n. orderliness

Tachwedd, n. November

Tad, n. father. Tad cu, grandfather

Tadaeth, n. fatherhood

Tadmaeth, n. foster-father

Tadogaeth, n. paternity

Tadoldeb, n. fatherliness

Tadoli, v. to become fatherly

Tadoliaeth, n. fatherhood

Tadwy, a. paternal; tuteral

Taen, n. a spreading

Taenadwy, a. expansible

Taenellu, v. to strew; to sprinkle

Taenellwr, Taenellydd, sprinkler

Taenu, v. to spread

Taer, n. urgent state: a. eager, ardent, urgent

Taerol, a. apt to be urgent

Taerder, n. importunity

Taeriant, Taerni, n. importunity

Taeru, v. to insist; to contend

Taethiad, n. a fertilising

Taf, n. what is spread, a flat space

Tafad, n. a spreading; a dilation

Tafar, n. what spreads out

Tafarch, n. a cricket bat

Tafarn, n. a tavern, an inn

Tafarndy, n. a public-house

Tafarnwr, n. an inn-keeper

Tafarth, n. what is dilated

Tafell, n. a slice

Tafelian, n. a small slice