Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/39

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Arnod, n. a mark, a character

Arnodi, v. to mark, to note

Arnodiad, n. annotation

Arnodydd, n. an annotator

Arnoethu, v. to denudate

Aro, int. I pray

Arobaith, n. earnest expectation

Arobrid, n. desert, merit

Arobrwyo, v. to reward

Arobryn, n. desert, merit

Arodawr, n. a rhetorician

Aroddefiad, a. passiveness

Aroediad, n. assignation

Arofni, v. to overawe

Arofydd, n. an upper graduate

Arofyn, n. intent, design; v. to intend, to design

Arogl, Arogledd, n. scent, smell

Aroglber, a. odoriferous

Arogldarthu, v. to burn incense

Arogliad, n. a scenting

Arolygu, v. to survey

Arolli, v. to split, to lay open

Aros, Arosi, v. to stay, to wait

Arosiad, n. a tarrying

Arosol, a. tarrying, lingering

Arsangiad, n. a treading upon

Arsangu, to tread upon, to press

Arsarig, a. very perverse

Arsathru, v. to trample upon

Arsawr, n. savour, or scent

Arseddiad, n. a sitting upon

Arsefydliad, n. a stationing

Arseibiant, n. leisure

Arseiniad, n. a resounding

Arswyd, n. dread, terror

Arswydiad, n. a dreading

Arswydo, v. to dread, to be afraid

Arswydol, Arswydus, a. terrible

Arsylw, n. a keen look, a stare

Arsylwedd, n. substance

Arsylliad, a. gazing earnestly

Arsyllu, v. to gaze

Arsyn, a. astonished; stupified

Arsyth, a. upright; rigid

Artaith, n. torment, torture

Arteithfa, n. a place of torture

Arteithiad, n. a tormenting

Arteithio, v. to torture

Arteithiol, a. torturing

Arteithydd, n. a torturer

Arth, n. a bear

Arthaidd, a. bear-like

Arthes, n. a she bear

Arthiad, n. a barking

Arthiaw, v. to bark, to growl

Arthog, a. bearish, gruff

Aru, v. to plough, to till

Aruchaf, a. upmost, topmost

Aruchel, a. very high, lofty

Aruthredd, n. amazement

Aruthriad, n. a wondering

Aruthro, v. to wonder

Aruthrol, a. amazing

Arwain, v. to conduct, to lead, to guide

Arwasgodi, v. to overshadow

Arwasgu, v. to overpress

Arwawdio, v. to laud, to praise

Arwawl, n. a luminary

Arwe, n. tecture; a woof

Arwedd, n. a carriage

Arweddawd, n. a conveyance

Arweddiad, n. a conveying

Arweddu, v. to convey, to bear

Arweiniad, n. a conducting

Arweiniol, a. leading

Arweithiad, n. superstruction

Arwel, a. conspicuous, manifest

Arweled, v. to perceive

Arwenu, v. to simper

Arwep, n. the visage

Arwerth, n. public sale

Arwerthu, v. to sell by auction

Arwest, n. vocality; vocal music

Arwisg, n. an upper garment

Arwisgo, v. to enrobe, to array

Arwnïad, n. a quilting

Arwr, n. a hero, a worthy; a ploughman

Arwraig, n. a heroine

Arwredd, n. heroism, bravery

Arwron, n. a hero, a worthy

Arwydd, n. a sign, a banner

Arwyddair, n. a motto

Arwyddfardd, n. herald bard

Arwyddfarddoniaeth, n. heraldry