Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/61

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Casedd, n. hatred, enmity

Caseg, n. mare

Casgl, n. a heap, collection

Casgledig, a. gathered, collected

Casgledigol, a. collective

Casgliad, n. a collection

Casgiladol, a. collective

Casglu, v. to collect, to gather

Casglwr, n. collector

Casineb, n. hatred, enmity

Casnach, n. nap of cloth

Cast, n. a trick

Castan, n. a chesnut

Castanwydd, n. chesnut trees

Castell, n. a fortress, castle

Castelliad, n. a fortifying

Castellu, v. to fortify

Castio, v. to play tricks

Castiog, a. full of tricks

Castyr, n. rod of a horse

Catau, v. to combat, to bicker

Cateri, n. spreading oaks

Catrawd, n. regiment

Catrodawl, a. regimental

Catrodi, v. to form into battalion

Cath, n. cat

Cathaidd, a. feline, like a cat

Cathdericai, n. caterwauler

Cathl, n. melody, hymn

Cathliad, n. hymning

Cathlu, v. to hymn, to sing

Cau, v. to shut, to inclose: n. a hollow, vacuum: a. shut

Cauad, n. a shutting

Caued, a. inclose, shut, close

Cauedig, a. shut, close

Cauedigaeth, n. a shutting

Caul, n. a maw; rennet; curd

Caw, n. band, wrapper

Cawci, n. a jackdaw

Cawd, n. what incloses

Cawdd, n. a darkening; displeasure; offence; vexation

Cawell, n. a hamper, a basket

Cawellaid, n. a hamper-full

Cawellan, n. a small hamper

Cawellu, v. to hamper

Cawellyn, n. a small hamper

Cawg, n. a basin, a bowl

Cawgaid, n. a basin-full

Cawgyn, n. a small basin

Cawiad, n. a binding round

Cawl, n. cabbage; broth, gruel; pottage

Cawlai, n. a feeder on pottage

Cawlaid, n. making hodgepodge

Cawlio, v. to mix disorderly

Cawn, n. reeds, stalks; reedgrass

Cawna, v. to gather reeds

Cawnen, n. a straw vessel

Cawod, n. shower

Cawodi, v. to shower

Cawr, n. a giant

Cawraidd, a. gigantic

Cawrchwil, n. a bull-chaffer

Cawredd, n. might, puissance

Cawres, n. a female giant

Cawrfil, n. an elephant

Caws, n. cheese; curd

Cawsa, v. to gather cheese

Cawsaidd, a. cheese-like; curdled

Cawsdŷ, n. a cheese-house

Cawsellt, n. a cheese-vat

Cawselltu, to put cheese in a vat

Cawsiad, n. a curdling

Cawsio, v. to turn to cheese

Cawsion, n. curds

Cawslestr, n. a cheese-mould

Cawswasg, n. a cheese-press

Cawswr, n. a cheesemonger

Cebr, n. a rafter

Cebystr, n. a tether, a halter

Cecr, n. a brawl

Cecraeth, n. a wrangling

Cecraidd, a. apt to wrangle

Cecren, n. a shrew, a scold

Cecri, n. snappishness

Cecru, v. to wrangle

Cecrus, a. snapish, quarrelsome

Cecryn, n. a wrangler, a brawler

Cecys, n. hollow stalks; hemlock

Ced, n. a favour, a gift, relief

Cedaflen, n. a napkin

Ceden, n. shaggy hair, nap

Cedenog, a. shaggy

Cedenu, v. to make shaggy