Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/64

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Cerdd, art, craft art of poetry; a piece of poetry, a song

Cerddawr, n. an artist; a singer, a musician

Cerdded, v. to walk, to travel

Cerddediad, n. a walking

Cerddedrwydd, n. peregrination

Cerddedwr, n. a walker

Cerddgar, a. harmonious, musical

Cerddores, a female artist

Cerddoriaeth, n. the science of singing

Cerf, n. method; art; trade

Cerfiad, n. figuring; sculpture

Cerfio, v. to model, to form, to carve

Cerfyll, n. sculpture; a statute

Ceriach, n. small tools; trifles

Cerien, n. a medlar

Cerlyn, n. a miser

Cern, side of the head; the jaw

Cerniad, n. a turning the side of the head; a jawing

Cernial, n. to go cheek by jawl

Cernio, v. to turn the jaw

Cernod, n. a blow on the cheek

Cernodiad, n. a buffetting

Cernodio, v. to buffet, or beat the head

Cerpyn, n. a clout, a rag

Cert, n. cart

Certaid, n. a cart load

Certiad, n. a carting

Certwyn, n. a cart, a wain

Certh, a. evident; imminent

Certhedd, n. imminence

Cerwydd, n. a stag, a hart

Cerwyn, n. a mashing tub

Cerwynaid, n. a tub-full

Cerydd, n. chastisement

Ceryddadwy, a. corrigible

Ceryddedigaeth, n. chastisemen

Ceryddiad, n. correction

Ceryddol, a. castigatory

Ceryddu, v. to correct, to chastise

Ceryddus, a. reproving

Ceryddwr, n. a chastiser

Ceryn, n. a tool; a surly chap

Ces, n. a point of divergency

Cesail, n. arm pit; bosom

Cesair, n. hailstones

Ceseiliad, n. arm full; taking in arms

Ceseirio, v. to shower hail

Ceseiryn, n. a hailstone

Cest, n. a receptacle; narrow-mouthed basket

Cestawg, a. round-bellied

Cetawg, n. a satchel, a bag

Ceten, n. a little cabinet

Cetyn, n. a piece; a pipe

Cethern, n. furies, fiends

Cethin, a. dun, dusky; ugly

Cethinen, n. a swarthy one

Cethino, v. to make dusky; to make ugly; to become ugly

Cethledd, n. melody, singing

Cethlydd, n. the cuckoo

Cethr, n. spike, a nail

Cethrawl, a. pricking

Cethrawr, n. a pike

Cethren, n. a spike, a nail

Cethrin, a. piercing; horrid

Cethru, v. to drive; to pierce

Cethrwr, n. one who drives

Cethw, n. mustard

Ceuad, n. an excavation

Ceubal, n. a ferry boat

Ceubelfa, n. ferrying place

Ceubren, n. a hollow tree

Ceudod, n. the bosom

Ceuedig, a. inclosed; hallowed

Ceuedd, n. hallowness

Ceufa, n. a gulf, an abyss

Ceufawr, a. yawning

Ceugant, n. vacuity; infinity; a. certain, sure

Ceulad, n. coagulation

Ceulaidd, a. chylacerous

Ceulan, n. a hollow bank

Ceulaw, Ceulo, v. to coagulate

Ceulawr, n. a curdling tray

Ceuled, n. rennet

Ceuleden, n. a curd

Ceuledig, a. curdled

Ceulfraen, n. crumbly curds