Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/73

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Crafu, v. to scrape, to scratch

Crafwr, n. a scratched

Craff, n. a clasp; a cramp: a. securing, sure; keen

Craffder, n. keeness; skill

Craffiad, n. a securing

Craffiniad, n. scarification

Craffinio, v. to scarify

Craffu, v. to secure hold; to ken

Craffus, a. penetrating, piercing

Craffwr, n. perceiver

Crag, n. a hard crust

Cragen, n. a shell

Cragenaidd, a. crustaceous

Cragenog, a. having a shell

Crai, n. heat; potency; the heart; the eye of a needle; a. vivid: fervid; fresh

Craid, n. vehemency; force

Craidd, n. a centre; the heart

Craig, n. a crag; a rock

Crair, n. a token; a relic

Craith, n. a scar; a cicatrice

Cram, n. an incrustration

Cramen, n. a scab over a sore

Crameniad, n. scabbing

Cramenog, a. covered with scab

Cranenu, v. to scab over

Crammwyth, n. a pancake

Crammwythen, n. a fritter

Crangc, n. a crab; a cancer

Crangen, n. a wen

Crangenog, a. full of wens

Crap, n. a grapple, a catch

Crapiad, n. a grappling

Crapio, v. to grapple; to snatch

Crapiog, a. grappling, snatching

Crapiwr, n. a grappler

Crâs, what is parclied; a toast: a. parched, acrid; saucy

Crasaidd, a. of a parching nature; acrid

Crasair, n. sauciness

Crasboeth, a. acrid, pungent

Crasboethi, v. to parch with heat

Crasboethiad, n. a parching, or a drying with heat

Crasdant, n. a sharp note

Crasder, n. aridity; sauciness

Crasdir, n. parched ground

Crasedig, a. parched; toasted

Craseiriog, a. malepert

Crasgalaf, n. the herb flavin

Crasgnoi, v. to scranch

Crasiad, n. a parching; a roasting

Crasiedydd, n. a roaster

Crasol, a. parching, drying

Crasu, v. to parch, to roast

Craswr, n. a parchet; a dryer

Crasyd, n. parched corn

Crawen, n. a crust

Craweniad, n. incrustation

Crawenog, a. crusted, crusty

Crawenol, a. incrustating

Crawenu, v. to become crusty

Crawn, n. a collection; pus

Crawni, v. to collect; to form

Crawnllyd, a. purulent

Crawnol, a. collecting

Crëad, n. a creation

Crëadol, a. creating, plastic

Crëadur, n. a creature

Crëaduriaeth, n. creation

Crëawd, n. formation, creation

Crëawdwr, n. a creator

Crebach, n. what is shrunk: a shrunk, withered

Crebachiad, a. shrinking

Crebachlyd, a. apt to contract, or shrink

Crebachu, v. to shrink

Crebachwr, n. one that shrinks

Crebog, a. shrunk, withered

Crebwyll, n. fancy, intention

Crebwyllo, v. to imagine

Crebwylliad, n. an imagining

Creciad, n. a chirping

Crecian, v. to chirp, to chatter

Creciar, n. the darker hen

Crech, n. a shriek, a scream; a rough, rugged, curled

Crechiad, n. a shrieking out

Crechian, v. to shriek, to crash

Crechol, a. screaming

Crechwen, n. a shrill laugh

Crechwenu, v. to laugh out