Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/80

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Cydfwriad, n. combination

Cydfwyta, v. to eat together

Cychwyfan, v. to hover; to rock

Cychwyn, n. stir, a move

Cychwyniad, n. a commencement; a setting off

Cyd, n. a junction; a coupling, used as a prefix to denote a mutual act

Cyd, a. joint, united, common: ad. whilst, as long as: conj. forasmuch, since

Cydaddoli, v. to worship together

Cydaid, n. a bag-full

Cydair, a. unanimous

Cydan, n. a small bag

Cydbechu, v. to sin together

Cydbell, a. equidistant

Cydblaid, n. a confederate

Cydbwys, a. of equal weight

Cydbwyso, v. to equipoise

Cyd-ddwyn, v. to concur

Cyd-dynu, v. to concur

Cyd-ddyoddef, v. to endure together

Cyd-ddyrchafu, to exalt together

Cydeffeithiad, n. connutrition

Cydenw, n. namesake

Cydenwad, n. agnomination

Cydestyniad, n. co-extention

Cydetifedd, n. a co-heir

Cydetifeddu, v. to inherit jointly

Cydetifeddwr, n. a joint inheritor

Cydfa, n. a convention

Cydfaethiad, n. connutrition

Cydfantoli, v. to equilibrate

Cydfloedd, n. conclamation

Cydfod, n. co-existence; concord, or agreement

Cydfodd, n. concord, agreemen

Cydfrad, n. conspiracy, plot

Cydfynediad, n. concomitancy

Cydffrydiad, n. a confluence

Cydffurfiad, n. a conformation

Cydffurfio, v. to conform

Cydgais, n. a competition

Cydgam, n. dalliance; delay

Cydganu, v. to sing in concert

Cydgar, n. a correlative

Cydgarenydd, n. consanguinity

Cydgerdd, n. a symphony

Cydgerddediad, n. concomitancy

Cydglymiad, n. alligation

Cydgnawd, n. carnal copulation

Cydgor, n. united choir

Cydgorffoli, v. to concorporate

Cydgorffori, v. to consubstantiate

Cydgwyniad, n. condolence

Cydgyfaneddu, v. to occupy together

Cydgyfaneddwr, a joint occupier

Cydgyfarch, v. to congratulate

Cydgyfarfod, n. coincidency

Cydgyfartaledd, n. co-equalty

Cydgyfathrach, n. consociation

Cydgyfranogi, v. to intercomunicate

Cydgylchiad, n. convolution

Cydgyrchu, v. to assemble together

Cydgyrhaeddiad, co-existension

Cydhanfod, n. co-existence

Cydiad, n. a joining; a coupling; a biting; a laying hold

Cydiaith, a. of one language

Cydiaw, v. to join; to couple; to bite, to take hold

Cydieuad, n. conjugation

Cydieuo, v. to yoke together

Cydlais, n. consonance

Cydlawenhau, v. to congratulate

Cydlef, n. a joint shout

Cydlefaru, v. to speak together

Cydles, n. mutual advantage

Cydlif, n. a conflux

Cydlyniad, n. a cohesion

Cydnabod, n. aquaintance, recognition

Cydnabyddiaeth, n. aquaintance

Cydnabyddus, a. aquainted together; expert

Cydnad, n. conclamation

Cydnaid, n. a joint leap

Cydnaws, a. connatural

Cydnerth, n. equipollence

Cydnesu, to approach mutually

Cydnewid, v. to interchange