Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/81

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Cydoddef, n. sympathy

Cydoed, n. a contemporary

Cydoes, a. coeval, coevous

Cydoesi, v. to contemporise

Cydofal, n. a mutual care

Cydol, a. complete, whole

Cydolrwydd, n. continuity

Cydradd, a. of equal degree

Cydraid, n. mutual want

Cydraith, n. mutual rule

Cydran, n. a joint share

Cydranu, v. to share mutually

Cydranwr, n. a joint sharer

Cydrawd, n. concurrence

Cydred, a. concurrent

Cydroddi, v. to give mutually

Cydrwymo, v. to bind together

Cydryddid, n. mutual liberty

Cydryw, n. hermaphrodite: a homogeneous

Cydrywiaeth, n. homogeneity

Cydsain, n. a consonant

Cydseinio, v. to agree in sound

Cydsiarad, n. confabulation

Cydsisial, v. to whisper together

Cydsoriant, n. mutual offence

Cydsylweddiad, consubstantiation

Cydsylltiad, n. conjunction

Cydsyniad, n. unanimity

Cydsynio, v. to consent

Cydu, v. to bag, to pouch

Cydundeb, n. unity, union

Cyduniad, n. a consenting

Cydwaed, a. to the same blood

Cydwaeddiad, n. conclamation

Cydwas, n. a fellow servant

Cydwe, n. a contexture

Cydwedd, n. a yoke fellow

Cydweddu, v. to accord

Cydweinidog, n. a fellow servant

Cydweitho, v. to co-operate

Cydweithiwr, n. a fellow labourer

Cydweithredu, v. to co-operate

Cydwelydd, n. a consociate

Cydwerth, n. an equivalent

Cydweu, v. to interweave

Cydwybod, n. conscience

Cydwybodol, a. conscientious

Cydwybodolrwydd, n. conscientiousness

Cydwynebiad, n. confrontation

Cydwysiad, n. convocation

Cydyfed, v. to drink together

Cydymattal, to abstain mutually

Cydymaith, n. a companion; v. to accompany

Cydymdeimlad, n. mutual sympathy

Cydymdeithas, n. company

Cydymdeithasu, v. mutually to asscociate

Cydymdrafodi, v. to strive mutually

Cydymddiried, n. mutual trust

Cydymddwyn, to bear mutually

Cydymgais, n. competition

Cydymgilio, to recede mutually

Cydymgyrch, n. concurrence

Cydymholi, v. enquire mutually

Cydymlid, n. mutual pursuit

Cydymliw, n. mutual reproach

Cydymaith, n. companion

Cydymeithasu, v. to consociate

Cydymoddef, v. to bear mutually

Cydymranu, v. to secede together

Cydymrodd, v. to yield mutually

Cydymroi, v. to resign mutually

Cydymryson, n. mutual strife

Cydyrauniad, n. mutual union

Cydymweddu, v. to conform mutually

Cydyn, n. a little bag

Cydyru, v. to drive together

Cyf, a. prefix of general use, denoting a mutual act or effect

Cyfab, a. with foal

Cyfaddas, a. convenient, meet

Cyfaddasu, v. to render meet

Cyfaddef, v. to confess

Cyfaddefiad, n. confession

Cyfagos, a. near, contiguous

Cyfagu, v. to nurse together

Cyfagwedd, n. conformity

Cyfagweddu, v. to conform

Cyfaill, n. a friend

Cyfammod, n. covenant

Cyfammodi, v. to covenant

Cyfamser, a. mean time