Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/254

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conjecture that his passion was not altogether con- sistent with his consanguinity. Previously to her marriage she came to England with her 'mother on the restoration, and made a conquest of the Duke of Buckingham, who followed her to Paris, and carried his passion to conduct almost bordering on romance. But her partiality for the Count de Gulches, is spoken of with more suspicion than any other of her admirers. She had a spirit for political intrigue, and was employed in an em-

y from Lew's, to attach her brother Charles

11. to the French interests, by concluding a dis- honourable treaty aerainst the Dutch. She did not", however, live long to reap the laurels of this successful negotiation, being seized eight days after her return to France with violent excruciating in- ternal tortures, which occasioned her death in a >ut suspicion of being poisoned hy : ;and. Obiit 1670, iEt. 26.

ix >:. dar drawinr-j'Ojin,

Yerdlnand Duke of Aha, half length, by Van- dyck. Charles 1. half length, by the same.

Lucy C .unless of Carlisle, whole length, by Van-

dyck ; daughter of I lenry Karl of Northumberland,

and wife of jimii May Karl of Carlisle. A

lady o! S;".righil) ;k, and sound understanding,

' ' iVViler next after Sacharissa; re-

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