Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/43

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mitted his plan, and offered his service to the Ministry a few years since for the construction and establishment of life-boats all alonn - the coasts of the kingdom; but the attention of the public was then unfortunately directed to other objects than the ceconomizing of human existence, and his offers were unattended to. In the true spirit of philanthropy, however, Mr. Henry Greathead, waving the idea of exclusive profit , instead of taking out a patent for the admirable invention, and thus confining irs advantages to himself, generously of- fered to communicate to others every inform; in his power on the .subject of the construction oi the life-boat, and to diffuse by these means as punch as possible the blessings resulting from rion. In consequence or this, anotlie built vessels of the same kind, and has thus been multiplied in the mam:. tioned. Thepecuniary remuneration of the life-boat receive, is what th: affluent, saved by their exertions, . v upop

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