Page:A transcript of the first volume, 1538-1636, of the parish register of Chesham in the county of Buckingham.djvu/408

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Chesham Parish Register
  • Hawkes—continued:
    • Katherine, 185, 276
    • Lawrence, 342
    • Margarite, 31, 45, 51, 201, 280
    • Martha, 118, 335
    • Mary, 84, 97, 99, 118, 120, 128, 134, 228
    • Richard, 128
    • Roger, 38, 98, 115, 118, 122, 128, 134, 141, 296, 297, 304, 304, 306, 322, 332
    • Samuell, 128, 313
    • Sarah, 28, 96, 102, 108, 115, 120, 131, 331
    • Simon, 7, 12, 55, 62, 67, 187, 200, 203, 276, 276, 277, 277, 279
    • Susan, 55, 193, 277
    • Susanna, 25
    • Symeon, 280
    • Thomas, 6, 31, 35, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 84, 97, 98, 131, 182, 201, 205, 209, 213, 235, 271, 271, 282, 291, 306
    • Tomezin, 247
    • William, 6, 35, 122, 235, 322
    • Zachary, 40, 96, 102, 108, 115, 120, 131, 210, 316, 331
  • Hawkins [Hawkens], Christian, 35
    • Ellen, 43
    • Jeames, 35
    • John, 43, 261
    • Roger, 322
    • Thomas, 35, 182, 185
    • William, 322
  • Hawsefoote, 260
    • Marc, 260
  • Hawthorn(e), Emme, 83
    • Joan, 203
    • John, 83, 205
    • Margaret, 40, 261, 301
    • Thomas, 40, 261, 297
    • William, 40, 83, 187, 190, 195, 203, 205, 261, 292
  • Hayley [Haylie, Hayly], Alice, 119, 126
    • Anna, 126
    • Henry, 119, 312
    • Robert, 201
    • William, 119, 126, 218, 312
  • Haymond [cf. Hamond], Rychard, 9
    • Thomas, 9
  • Hayne, John, 152
    • Mary, 152
    • Thomas, 152
  • Head, Elizabeth, 69, 73, 82, 304
    • John, 69, 73, 82, 197, 304, 306, 314, 315
    • Martha, 82, 314
    • Mary, 73, 222
  • Headach, Lucie, 232
  • Healle, Richard, 221
  • Healse, James, 127
    • John, 132
    • Richard, 127, 132, 220
    • Sarah, 127, 132
  • Hearn(e) [Heern(e)], x
    • Jois, 28
    • Nicholas, 186
    • Robert, 28
    • Thomas, 220
  • Heath, Alice, 37, 42, 298
    • John, 37, 42, 298, 302
    • Rebecca, 37
    • Susan, 42
  • Hebbes, Jane, 319
    • Thomas, 319
  • Heblethwayte, Rowland, 188
  • Herbeard, Margaret, 217
  • Herdwicke, William, 176
  • Herrington, John, 210
  • Hewes, see Hughes
  • Hewet(t), John, 11, 257
    • Joseph, 164
    • Martha, 164
    • Richard, 11
  • Heyday(e) [Hydaie, Hyday], Elyzabeth, 66, 69
    • Phoebe, 66, 220
    • Sarah, 69, 215
    • William, 66, 69, 194, 312
    • Widow, 331
  • Heydon [Heyden], Alice, 246
    • Christopher, 4
  • Hester, 226
    • Richard, 18, 222, 246
    • Thomas, 4
    • William, 18
  • Heythorne, William, 298
  • Heyward, Benjamin, 214
  • Hickman, 13
    • Christian, 176
    • Cicely, 146
    • Elyzabeth, 175
    • John, 92, 146, 223, 231, 322
    • Katherine, 13
    • Margaret, 92, 101
    • Thomas, 92, 101, 146, 175, 240, 298
  • Hicks [Hickes], Elizabeth, 193, 223
    • Henry, 77, 201

Pp. 3-170, Baptisms; 171-232, Marriages; 233-338, Burials. 353