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to the scene of his adventure. The horse by this time had been carried several hundred yards down the Nith, and was found at a place called the "Lady’s Chamber." with its head pointing down the river, and the water nearly up to its neck. By means of ropes, thrown by no unpractised hands, both cart and horse were drawn to the side; and the latter, in spite of its previous sufferings, had sufficient strength and mettle, when it came to the push, to ascend a a very steep brae, which in all probability, the foot of a similar animal never pressed before.


A Drunken Pig.

A singular occurrence took place some time ago in the parish of Lethnot:—a person fearing a visit from the guagers, concealed an anker of whisky in his pig-sty. The pig, perhaps, conceiving this was the only chance he had of tasting a liquor so much admired by the human species, immediately set about removing the covering, which having accomplished, he abstracted the cork, by the help of the cloth which enveloped it. He drank about a pint of the whisky, which put him into such a flow of spirits, that it was dangerous to approach him. At last the usual effects of enebriety appeared, and down he fell. Milk, oil, &c. &c. was poured down his throat, but in vain;—poor grumphy, like many a one who has degraded himself to the rank of brutality by intoxication, fell a sacrifice to drinking ardent spirits to (illegible text)