Page:Account of a dreadful hurricane which happened in the island of Jamaica, in the month of October, 1780.pdf/3

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calamities can come home to ourſelves; and it is ſo common for thoſe who ſuffer but little to complain, that thoſe who ſuffer much are hardly credited in the enumeration of misfortunes. The firſt impreſsion of things is generally magnified; and the difference which removes us from the ſeat of action, is the cauſe of diſbelief; and fancy (illegible text) often ſuppoſed to be called in to the aid of truth. But what I am about to write is a plain and a ſimple narrative, experienced by numbers, and (if ſo humbled an individual may dare to ſpeak) moſt awfully felt by myſelf; although I am conſcious that my loſs was only like a bubble in the ocean, when compared to the magnitude of the general maſs. The ſhock which the ſuffering pariſhes ſuſtained, very few (illegible text)tions of thoſe pariſhes will ever recover. A more general deſtruction in the extent of a given proportion of land, hath rarely happened; and the hurricane of 1780, will be ever acknowledged as a (illegible text)tation that deſcends but once in a century, and that ſerves as a ſcourge to correct the vanity, to humble the pride, and to chaſtiſe the imprudence and arrogance of men.

The following deſcription, which immediately and naturally aroſe from the melancholy ſubject, when the facts were freſh, and the ruins, as it were, before my eyes, will not, I truſt, be deemed foreign (illegible text)he general tendency of theſe remarks; and I will be, I hope, excuſed, if I endeavour to awaken (illegible text) recollection of calamities paſt, particularly as in (illegible text)e calamities the poor negroes had likewiſe their (illegible text)ion of diſappointment and affliction.

This deſtructive hurricane began by gentle and almoſt unperceptible degrees, between twelve and (illegible text) o'clock, on the morn of the 3d of October, and (illegible text)he year 1780. There fell, at firſt, a trifling (illegible text), which continued, without increaſe, untill ten