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Of ſome ſtrange



A Godly Man in Kintyre,

Who hath been blind Six Years:


Some VISIONAL PREDICTIONS of ſeveral Judements to befall theſe Threed Kingdoms, particularly Scotland, and more specially ſome, Towns therin, at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Air, &c. With a Reſerve of MERCY to GOD's People, and to the Church for their Sake.

In a Letter from a Gentleman in Kintyre to his friend in Paiſley.

Joel 2. 28. And it it ſhall came to paſs afterward, at I will pour out my Spirit upon all Fleſsh, and your sons And your Daughters ſhall propheſy, Your old men ſhall dream dreams, your young men ſhall ſee Viſions. Cited (illegible text)

Printed in the Year MDCCXXXIV