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Who died at Edinburgh.

away to him, and he ſaid, 'Whoſoever cometh to him he will in no wiſe caſt out.'—The ſame day at night, holding her brother Robert by the hand, ſhe ſpoke to him on this ways, My dear Roby, ſeek the Lord, love Chriſt, give yourſelf a way to him and he will keep you, altho' you ſhould have many enemies againſt you, the Lord will preſerve you; and even as ſure as your hand is in mine, you'll find him if you ſeek him, I am going to get a crown of glory to my head, and a ſong of praiſe in my mouth. To her ſiſter Margaret alſo, ſhe ſaid, My dear ſiſter Meg ſeek the Lord, give yourſelf away to him, and he will be found of you: give away yourſelf once, twice, or thrice unto him, and as ſure as you ſee your mother's hand in mine (ſhe then had her mother by the hand) you will get him, 'tis true, if you try this way Satan will be your enemy, at he hath been mine for ſometime: when I had words in my mouth to pray, that thought had been taken out of my heart. Then looking to her mother ſhe ſaid, Ay, mother, and when the thought has been brought bark to me again. I have bleſſed God for it: but this is nothing, ſaid ſhe to her ſiſter again, ſeek God, he will defeat ſatan. Dear Meg, ſee you pray yourſelf, and that you cauſe Katy (or Katharine another ſiſter) to pray; for ſhe is young, and I need not ſpeak to her. Oh! Johny Johny (this was the youngeſt child of the family) what ſhall I ſay of Johny? I even leave him upon God; read much thy book (that is the holy ſcriptures) my long trouble hath made me nor get ſo much read as I would, but I bleſs God I have found much good of the book.

On Monday the 2d of Feb. at night, her mother and a gentlewoman of of the city, and two domeſtic servants ſitting by her, ſhe took her mother by the hand, and ſaid, Dear mother, do not grieve for me but rejoice with me in my joy, altho' I have trouble in my body, yet it is not ſo great as you think, it is