Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/376

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Now ask or answer questions about people likely to be found in the directions or locations drilled in the H-phases of this cycle.

A: Ia (Damian)? A: Where is (Damian)?
B: E mihmi (ni ohpiso). B: He's (at the office).
A: Ia (ohpisen)? A: Where is (the office)?
B: E mi (paho). B: It's (down there).


/-(e)n/2 is not employed Hi th proper names of people or places. Therefore, the question in M-1 is /Ia Damian/ - not /Ia Damianen/. (Note that 'Peace Corps office' is not considered a proper name; it is-simply the office that belongs to the Peace Corps).

With animate objects, the reduplicated form of /mil, /mihmi/, is commonly (though by no means always) employed. In Ponnpean, reduplication conveys the concept of a less definite, scattered, non-eorrlpletive action or state of facts.

/ni/ means 'at.' Do not expect to use /ni/, however, where you would use 'at' in English. In Ponapean, /ni/ is employed only with common nouns like those in M-3.

/ia ih Damian/ is heard as a common alternate to /ia Damian/. This is simply a dialect variation.


Nan peidek oh pasapengen mwuhr kat, padahkiong irail ren idek aramas me kalap lili wasah me re sukuhlkier de wasah me ke idok rehrail.