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found his word verified to her, in strongly defending and abundantly supplying her wants, so that she could set to her seal that he was true. Then she also asked him divers questions relating to his travels and enjoyments, and he likewise answered her in a free and satisfactory manner, so that their affections began to warm towards one another.

It was a very comfortable interview, and their minds were refreshed with each others' conversation.—They appeared so agreeable one to another, that he began to think they might be pleasant and profitable companions all the way; but first, he retired to deliberate on the conversation that had already passed; when the more he thought of her diligence in the pursuit of her journey, her fixed satisfaction concerning the end of it, her understanding in these things, laid down for the guiding her in the way, and the delight she appeared to take in meditating on, and conversing about the joys of the City of Habitation, &c. the more he was satisfied that she was a Prince's daughter, travelling to the Royal Palace: And when he had lifted up his eyes to Heaven, and earnestly besought God for direction, and a blessing upon their further conversation, he again came into her company. After some further discourse, he asked her the reason of her walking alone? She told