Page:Adventures of Baron Wenceslas Wratislaw of Mitrowitz (1862).djvu/114

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follows:—a large silver-gilt ewer, with a basin; a second basin, silver-gilt, with handsome twisted and chased work, with an ewer; two large cans, like water-cans, ornamented with pomegranates and flowers, silver-gilt, and ornamented with enamel; two large silver-gilt goblets, in the shape of a Turkish cap; two large silver-gilt pails, all with work of masterly workmanship; two large silver-gilt candlesticks; also, two pair of gilt snuffers; two large gilt dishes, a large gilt bottle, in the shape of a moon; a hexagonal ball, artistically adorned with chains, which twisted themselves surprisingly when the clock struck; a clock in the shape of a tower, upon the striking of which, Turkish jugglers, in the different rooms, ran about and peeped out; another strikingclock of chased work; a large square clock, a masterpiece of art, upon the striking whereof Turks ran out, mounted on horses and fought, and, when it left off striking, went in again; a long clock, on which stood a wolf, carrying a goose in his mouth, on the striking of which, the wolf fled, and a Turk hastened after him with his gun ready to shoot, and when the last stroke was about to strike, shot at the wolf; a large square smooth clock, on the top of which a Turk turned his eyes, and when it struck, moved his head and mouth. After dinner we returned to our hotel in the same fashion in which we had ridden to the Emperor.

List of the Persons who came with my Lord the Ambassador to Constantinople.

Herr Frederic Kregwitz, ambassador of the Roman Emperor, Rudolf II; Andrew Hoffman, George von Landau, Kregwitz, the brother of my lord the ambassa-