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6. It ſhall not be in their Power, to make or continue any Law, for taking away any mans life, except for Murther, or for endeavoring by force, to deſtroy this Agreement; but ſhall uſe their uttermoſt endeavor, to propound puniſhments equal to Offences, That ſo mens Lives, Limbs, Liberties, and Eſtates, may not as hitherto, be lyable to be taken away upon trivial or ſlight occaſion; and ſhall have ſpecial care, to keep all ſorts of people from Miſery and Beggery.

7. They ſhall not continue or make a Law, to deprive any perſon, in Caſe or Tryal, from the benefit of Witneſſes, as well for, as againſt him.

8. They ſhall not continue the grievance and oppreſſion of Tithes, longer then to the end of the firſt Repreſentative; in which time, they ſhall provide for, and ſatisfie all Impropriators: Neither ſhall they force any perſon, to pay toward the maintenance of the publike Miniſters, who out of Conſcience cannot ſubmit thereunto; but ſhall provide for them in ſome other unoppreſſive way.

9. They ſhall not continue or make a Law, for any other ways of Judgment or Conviction of Life, Liberty, or Eſtate, but onely by twelve ſworn men of the Neighborhood.

10. They ſhall not continue or make a Law, to allow any perſon to take above ſix pound per cent. for loan of Money for a yeer.

11. They ſhall not diſable any perſon from bearing any Office in the Common-wealth, for any opinion (illegible text) practiſe in Religion, though contrary to the publike way.

Unto theſe I ſhall adde.

I. That the next Repreſentative, be moſt earneſtlypreſſed,