Page:Alice Miller (1917) Women are people (Internet Archive).djvu/57

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Forceful, coherent, and clear as day,
But will you stand by it, Mr. May?"

Never has printed page conveyed
The wonderful speech the great man made.
He spoke of policemen and charm and strength,
Of Nature's purpose he spoke at length,
He mentioned the Pilgrims' high intent,
Referred again to the firmament,
To angels and mothers, and queens and wives,
To the Bible, the flag and soldiers' lives,
To pedestals, roses and Bunker Hill,
And something he said of Jack and Jill.
Never a book of rhetoric teaches
So grand a speech among all the speeches.
Grave was the look on the stranger's face,
And she eyed her host for a minute's space.
Then she answered: "I see you are quite sincere
In the views you hold of woman's sphere;
Therefore I'll tell you before I go
Something the world will shortly know:
This is our secret, this is our news:
Most of us women share your views!"

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