Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/174

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Monson, (Sir) John, created D.C.L. 1 (or 2) Nov., 1642; of South Carleton, co. Lincoln, 2nd baronet (s. Sir Thomas, bart.), k.b. Feb., 1626, M.P. Lincoln 1625, and Lincolnshire 1626; buried at South Carleton 29 Dec., 1683, aged 84. See Fasti, ii. 40.

Monson, John, s. Geor., of Broxbourne, Herts, gent. Christ Church, matric. 26 Jan., 1707-8, aged 15; M.P. city of Lincoln 1722-8, k.b. 1725, 5th baronet 1727, created Baron Monson, of Barton, co. Lincoln, 28 May, 1728, first commissioner of trade and plantations 1737, and privy councillor 1737; died 18 July, 1748. See Foster's Peerage.

Monson, (Sir) Thomas, of co. Lincoln, arm, fil, Magdalen Coll., matric. entry under date 9 Dec., 1579, aged 15; created M.A. 30 Aug., 1605 (then a knight), M.P. co. Lincoln 1597-8, Castle Rising 1604-11, and Cricklade 1614, student of Gray's Inn 1583 (as s. John, of Carleton, co. Lincoln), created a baronet 29 June, 1611, master of the armory and master falconer to the king, twice tried on suspicion of poisoning Sir Thomas Overbury. See Fasti, i. 315; & Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Monson, (Sir) William, of co. Lincoln, arm. fil.; Balliol Coll., matric. entry under date 2 May, 1581, aged 14; created M.A. 9 July, 1594; of Kinnersley, Surrey, student of Gray's Inn 1594 (as 2nd son of John, of co. Lincoln, kt.), admiral of the fleet, knighted at the sacking of Cadiz 1596, M.P. Malmesbury 1601, and Reigate 1626; died in Feb., 1642-3, buried in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. See Ath. ii. 3; & Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Mountague, Abraham, of Bucks, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 4 Nov., 1608, aged 18; B.A. 12 May, 1612, M.A. 20 June, 1616. [5],

Montagu, Charles, s. Edward, Earl of Sandwich; fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, M.A. 1682; of Lincoln Coll., and incorporated 11 July, 1682, student of Middle Temple 1676, spiritual chancellor of the diocese of Durham, high sheriff co. palatine Durham, and M.P. in 5 parliaments 1685-7, and 1695-1702; died 1721. See Fasti, ii. 384; & Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Mountague, Edward, of Northants, eq. fil. Christ Church, matric. entry under date circa 1574, aged 13, "Dialecticus;" B.A. sup. 14 March, 1578-9; student of Middle Temple 1580 (as son and heir of Edward, of Boughton, Northants, kt.), M.P. Beeralston 1584-5, Brackley 1601, Northants 1604-11, 1614, and 1621, k.b. 25 July, 1603, and created baron Montagu of Boughton 29 June, 1621; died a prisoner in the Savoy in 1644, aged 82, grandfather of the 2nd earl. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Mountague, Edward, Baronis fil. Christ Church, matric. 5 June, 1651; created M.A. 9 Sept., 1661, (as 1s. Lord M., of Boughton), master of the household to the queen of Charles II., M.P. Sandwich 1661-5, slain at Bergen, against the Dutch, in Aug., 1665. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester (1642), chancellor of Cambridge 1649-51, and 1660, fellow commoner Sidney Sussex Coll. 21 Jan., 1617-18, M.A. from Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, 1632; incorporated 8 Sept., 1665, M.P. Hunts 1624-26, k.b. 2 Feb., 1625-6, one of Cromwell's lords, a member of the assembly of divines 1643, speaker of the house of lords 1646, 1647-8, k.g. 1661, F.R.S. 1665; died 5 May, 1671; father of Robert and Henry 1661. See Fasti, ii. 283; & Foster's Peerage.

Mountague, Edward, s. James, of Laycock, Wilts, arm. Christ Church, matric. 27 June, 1690, aged 17; of Lackham, Wilts; died 1710. [10],

Montagu, Edward, 3rd Earl of Sandwich; created D.C.L. 27 Aug., 1702, master of the horse to Prince George of Denmark 1690-1705; created LL.D. Cambridge, 1702; died 20 Oct., 1729. See Foster's Peerage.

Mountague, Henry, of Berks, pleb. Merton Coll., matric. 22 Feb., 1593-4, aged 20; B.A. 16 Feb., 1598-9. See Jonas Mountague.

Mountague, Henry, cler. fil. Magdalen Coll., matric. 1 April, 1656; B.A. 15 Jan., 1657-8, clerk 1654-9; perhaps vicar of Glynde 1662, of Laughton 1663, and of West Merston (all Sussex) 1685. See Bloxam, ii. 69; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Montagu, Henry, younger son of Edward, Earl of Manchester; M.A. from Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge; incorporated 8 March, 1665-6, bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1668; died in 1681; brother of Robert. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Mountagu, John, s. James, of Lakeham, Wilts, gent. St. John's Coll., matric. 6 April, 1671, aged 17; B.C.L. 1679, rector of Upton Scudamore, Wilts, 1681-91. See Foster's Index Eccl. [15],

Mountague, Jonas, of Berks, pleb. Merton Coll., matric. 14 Dec., 1604, aged 18, B.A. 22 March, 1617-18; M.A. from King's Coll., Cambridge, 1622; an usher in Eton school. See Fasti, i. 372.

Mountague, Richard, s. Richard, bishop of Chichester. Trinity Coll., matric. 18 Nov., 1631, aged 19.

Mountague, Robert, Viscount Mandeville, 1s. Edward, Earl of Manchester; created M.A. 8 Sept., 1665, 3rd Earl of Manchester 1671, gentleman of the bedchamber to Charles II. 1666-81, M.P. Hunts 1660 and 1661-71; died in Paris 14 March, 1682-3. See Fasti, ii. 285.

Mountague, Samuel, s. William, of Goring, Oxon, paup. Balliol Coll., matric. 31 Jan., 1695-6, aged 15; B.A. 1699, M.A. 1705, vicar of Abotsley, Hunts, 1714, and rector of Coppingford-withUpton, Hunts, 1724. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Montagu, Thomas (or Mountayn), of Gloucester, pleb. Hart Hall, matric. entry under date 1572, aged 15. [20],

Mountague, Thomas, fellow Christ's Coll., Cambridge, B.A. 1671-2, M.A. 1675, incorporated 13 July, 1680, rector of Burton Latimer 1676, and of Everdon, Northants, 1683. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Mountague, Zacheus, s. Henry, of Wokingham, Berks, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 2 March, 1637-8, aged 16; B.A. 18 Nov., 1641, rector of St. John, Walbrook, London, and of Radmell, Sussex, 1660. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Montgomery, Godfrey, Earl of, 1662. See Ducas, page 427.

Montmartin, Gideon de. See Man, page 963.

Montmollin, Ferdinand de, created M.A. 26 April, 1706. [25],

Monyns, (Sir) Edward, of Kent, baronetti fil. nat. max. University Coll., matric. 8 Nov., 1616, aged 16; 2nd bart., of Waldershare, Kent, high sheriff 1645; died 1663; brother of Thomas.

Monyns, (Sir) Thomas, of Kent, equitis fil. Wadham Coll., matric. 17 June, 1621, aged 17, 3rd bart.; student of Lincoln's Inn 1623, as (2s. Sir William, of Waldershare, Kent, kt. and bart.), one Capt. Thos. Munnings, of Dover, was treasurer to the parliamentary sequestrators of Canterbury cathedral, "at heart a royalist,"— Hasted, ii. 146; died s. p. 1678. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Monypenny, George, M.A. of St. Andrew's University; incorporated from Balliol Coll., 11 July, 1671.

Moody, (—), B.C.L. 1 July, 1510. See also Noody.

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