Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/520

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(a] Ratzel: according to the influence of the geographic envi- ronment. 1 (Steinmetz, p. 134.)

() Frobenius: according to diameters from a given center, with more deference to voluntary choice than in the other school. 2 (Steinmetz, p. 134.)

5. Psychological classifications :

(a] Comte: according to the "law of the three stages." 3 (Steinmetz, p. 126.)

() Sutherland: according to the general level of intelligence. 4 (Steinmetz, pp. 118 sg.)

(c) Morgan: according to inventions. 5 (Steinmetz, p. II I.)

6. Mixed classifications :

(a] Vierkandt: 6 according to psychic and social differences.

() Le Play and his followers. 7 (Steinmetz, pp. 107 sg.)

(c) Steinmetz: according to a combination of economic and psychologic criteria (pp. 137 sg.).

We have not reproduced the above schedule because it is exhaustive, or because its brief characterizations are entirely just, or because we propose to discuss these or like schemes in detail. Our immediate purpose in citing these propositions is merely to illustrate the multiplicity and variety, and more than all the futility, of attempts to classify societies up to date. We thus have a background for the remainder of the argument.

Before we proceed, another series of general propositions may be useful in binding together the divisions of our discus- sion.

^Volkerkunde, 1885. * Der Ursprung der afrikanischen Kulturen, 1898.

3 Cours de Philosophic positive, Vol. IV, pp. 463 sq., 503 sq., and the whole of Vol. V.

4 The Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct (1898), pp. 103-8.

$ Ancient Society (1877) ; Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines (I88i),p. 43-

6 Naturvolker und Kulturvblker (1896); "Die Kulturformen und ihre geogra- phische Verbreitung," Geographische Zeitschrift, 1897 ; " Die Kulturtypen der Mensch- heit," Archi-v fur Anthropologie, 1898.

TQuvriers Europlens (1879), I, pp. 70, 210, 212. On the work of Le Play in general vid. WERCKSTEIN, in Jahrbiicher fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volks- wirthschaft, 1894, and VAGUES, La Science sociale d'apres les principes de Le Play et de ses continuateurs, two volumes, 1897.